Whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on

Anyone feel the earthquake this morning around 4:30?

The U.S. Geological Survey says this morning’s 5.2-magnitude earthquake was likely generated by the Wabash fault zone in southeastern Illinois and southwestern Indiana.

I didn’t. Slept right through it, as did my kids. But my wife woke up to the windows rattling; she said it went on for about 40-45 seconds. WCBU says there may be aftershocks, so if you feel the earth move under your feet, now you’ll know why.

While I missed this earthquake, I do remember feeling a small quake back in the late 1980s. I was at church (not Grace Pres — I went to a different church then), and it was a really strange feeling when the slab floor in the sanctuary started moving!

Fortunately, no damage has been reported.

UPDATE: Anyone feel an aftershock around 10:15?

19 thoughts on “Whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on”

  1. I woke up around 4:30ish when the quake was just finishing up. Being in an old rattling house, I just thought my roommate and his girlfriend were getting busy so I rolled over and went back to sleep! LOL!

  2. I thought it was a freight train rolling down the Keller Branch. Something to look forward too.

  3. It woke me up thanks to my noisy old house. It was kinda creepy. I guess I don’t prepare for earthquakes here in the midwest, so they seem kind of unnatural.

  4. I was up for the first one and felt that aftershock around 10:16, too. Didn’t notice it sitting at my desk but could hear and see items on a glass shelved bookcase move and rattle.

  5. Funny, 11Bravo, I felt the first one but not the second one. I was even standing near the dinner table which was set up for a dinner we are having this weekend. We had the china and crystal out. I didn’t see it shake at all.

  6. how about the 4th one? The aftershock at 10:14 am (USGS) was the 3rd aftershock. Im kind of mad because i haven’t felt any of them.

  7. I was awakened by my bed shaking, and hearing rattling. I thought at first it was the windows rattling , but it was something on the dresser.
    At 10:15 all the dishes in the china cupboard were rattling. I didn’t notice any of the other aftershocks.

  8. At 10:15, I was sitting at my desk in downtown Peoria, when I felt my chair vibrate. I thought it might be a truck or something outside, but then a co-worker who was driving across a bridge called to see if anyone here felt it. No one else in the office felt this one.

    I woke up around 4:30 or so, but didn’t know why I woke up. I felt nothing, but something woke me up.

  9. Felt them both — familiar to a former So. Californian. Nothing like those quakes yet — be driving in a car on a ten lane two-way concrete highway when one hits —- scary. One time we were having dinner and my oldest brother was pouring milk and he got in trouble for being a clown and spilling the milk across the table. “Really, it wasn’t me”, he replied. As we saw the hanging lamp swaying he was given a reprive.

    Went in for our annual insurance check — approximately 20% of homeowners have earthquake insurance. Good use of money for those of us who own a wood frame Victorian with a brick veneer! 🙂

  10. I was awake for the first one and downtown for the second one. I recognized it right away since I too come from So Cal and am used to them. No big deal, this was barely a tremor

  11. “I thought it was a freight train rolling down the Keller Branch. Something to look forward too.

    Left by peoriafan on April 18th, 2008”

    They both occur about as often

  12. Here is a link to a new U. S. Geological Survey map as modified by the Illinois State Geological Survey of southern Illinois and the New Madrid fault zone. There are many faults in the bedrock of Illinois and one passes north and south through McLean County. The map also shows that an earthquake occurred in Mason County. http://www.isgs.uiuc.edu/pdf-files/seismicitypg.pdf

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