Who’s running for Peoria City Council?

Well, we know Gary Sandberg is, as is George Jacob and Eric Turner. And we know Chuck Grayeb and John Morris are not running. Other than that, your guess is as good as mine.

But I can tell you this: Here are the names of the people who picked up petitions for the upcoming election as of noon today. Presumably these people are considering running and are trying to get the necessary signatures. Other than the ones I already mentioned, no one else has announced their candidacy to my knowledge:

  • Patti Polk
  • Dan Gillette
  • W. Eric Turner
  • Ryan Spain
  • Gary Forssander
  • Dan Irving
  • Paul Sherwood
  • Gary V. Sandberg
  • Charles Schierer
  • Donald Cummings
  • Kelley C. McGownn Mammen
  • William B. Bates
  • Gloria Cassel Fitzgerald
  • Brad Carter
  • George Jacob
  • Ron Theobald
  • Jim Montelongo

I got these from the Election Commission and they’re all handwritten, so if I misspelled anything, it’s because I couldn’t read the handwriting.

10 thoughts on “Who’s running for Peoria City Council?”

  1. Patti Polk, Donald Cummings, and Ryan Spain have all contacted WCBU “announcing” they are running for City Council. That really doesn’t make anything official, but I can speak directly to those three candidates have done the same thing that Turner, Sandberg, and Jacob have done in terms of contacting my station.

    It’s important to remember that NOBODY is running for the council until they file their petitions by December 18th. Until then, all we can do is talk about their INTENT to run.

    I know. It’s semantics.

  2. Do we know if any of these non-incumbants are ‘essential services’ types or… new urbanists?

  3. Jonathon,

    To be Public Radio correct and accurate, WCBU asked me if I was running and I replied in the affirmative. I have not contacted any media outlet regarding my candidacy

  4. Mr. Sandberg is correct. I inadvertantly lumped into a category that was not totally accurate. Sorry about that.

    So to be totally accurate:

    Sandberg: Answered yes to a question about his candidacy asked before a city council meeting.

    Turner: Responded yes to a question posed on “Outside the Horseshoe”. I wasn’t aware he would answer the question before I asked, but he did. Talking about it on a radio show seems to qualify as an announcement to me.

    Jacob: Held a press conference.

    Spain, Cummings, and Polk: Sent either a fax or an email to WCBU.

    Hope that clears things up.

    Mahkno: Are the two mutually exclusive? CJ strikes me as someone that fits into both categories.

  5. Emtronics: From a previous post — I had gone to the website referenced — which I believe is different from the one listed above

    and Mr. Spain’s platform
    Generating Jobs -Making City Hall better positioned for growth strategies and development opportunities that will increase the job base.

    Fostering Safe Neighborhoods -Working with neighborhoods and police officers to create collaborative solutions for a safer community.

    Improving Education -Joining with District 150 and other school groups to foster cooperation and implement best practices for our children’s future.

    I then emailed Mr. Spain at ryanspain2007@yahoo.com with specific questions on 15 Nov 2006 and guess what? It is 7 December 2006 and I have not received an answer to date.

    So, not to be negative, nevertheless, I am not impressed with the lack of a response from Mr. Spain. Perhaps you have some ‘pull’ to generate a response?????

  6. Yes Ahl they can be viewed as mutually exclusive, consider fiscal conservatives. I have little doubt that there are folks who could care less about New Urbanism, who see it as a grand sort of handout, which if done improperly will be exactly what it is. They would take a more fiscal conservative approach sticking to a more literal sense of ‘essential services’. Springing for a facelift at Sheridan and Loucks, or Prospect, or the Warehouse district, would not fall under that.

  7. 12-08 — Received a reply from Mr. Spain to discuss questions previously submitted. Some type of glitch with Mr. Spain’s email sorting and folders — beyond my techno abilities to explain …

  8. Mahkno:

    There are many elements of new urbanism that have nothing to do with the city paying for anything. For example, the notion of form-based code is not a handout. In fact, its principles of getting out of the way of private investment and removing restrictive and unnecessary codes and zoning issues in older areas of the city would seem to in line with the thoughts of many people that are behind basic city services.

    My point is saying someone is EITHER new urbanist OR basic city services focused paints with too broad a brush.

    For any member (current of future) of the Peoria City Council, the voters have to learn where they stand on many issues (and their ability/intereest to take action on those issues) and make an informed choice. I don’t think a two or three word descrpition doesn’t do anyone much good in figuring out who they think sould be elected to public office.

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