WMBD dumps Rush for Cardinals

St. Louis Cardinals LogoThis is the best news I’ve heard all year.

Also in baseball-related trivia, I was researching something at the library recently and ran across this blurb from January 1934: “He’s taking a salary slash of $17,000 but Babe Ruth wasn’t exactly downcast when, as pictured here, he signed a 1934 contract for $35,000…. [He] remains the highest paid player in both leagues.”

Times change.

7 thoughts on “WMBD dumps Rush for Cardinals”

  1. The only thing I hate more than the St Louis Cardinals is Rush Limbaugh. Bravo, WMBD. Bravo.

  2. It is for all of 6 games thru the end of this season. Rush is not being “dumped”. There are a lot of Cardinal fans in this area and they like to hear the games as the Cardinal games will actually count towards the pennant race, unlike the Cub’s games which are meaningless.

  3. Yasee? Hate, Cory. You’re a hater. Most modern “liberals” are. Underneath the “progressive” facade you’re all hateful bigots.


  4. The horrors! All those dito heads that will walk aimlessly around without their daly dose of Lintbaugh. What will all those political science majors do without Rush class. Maybe they can score some drugs.

  5. Those dittoheads won’t be left out. They will simply tune in to WLS 890 AM and WMBD loses in the ratings, again. (I like the Cardinals and will listen to the games, maybe all 6 of them in the 2 month period)

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