Beth Akeson to run for Third District council seat

I just received this e-mail from the vice-chairman of the Heart of Peoria Commission, Beth Akeson:

I have gathered the required signatures and completed the necessary paperwork to run for Peoria’s third district council seat.

These documents will be turned in tomorrow, December 15, 2008. I look forward to a positive campaign as I champion Peoria’s older neighborhoods, advocate for doing the right thing, for the right reason, in the right way.

In other correspondence, she also says she will be “an advocate for proactive policy.” Beth has served on the Heart of Peoria Commission since its inception in 2004, having been appointed by former Mayor Dave Ransburg. She ran unsuccessfully for a Peoria Board of Education seat in 2007. Beth has also contributed several guest editorials here at the Peoria Chronicle.

Current third district councilman Bob Manning recently announced he is not running for reelection. The only other candidate to formally announce a run for Manning’s seat is Peoria County Board member Tim Riggenbach. Candidates have until 5 p.m. Monday to file petitions, so more candidates may come forward.

77 thoughts on “Beth Akeson to run for Third District council seat”

  1. Beth, have you ever been to the averyville neighborhood? Just to let you know we’re still here. Nothing much in community projects have been done here in at least 20 years, so it would be nice to have a fresh face and voice for our old neighborhood. Good luck.

  2. “advocate for doing the right thing, for the right reason, in the right way.”

    This is a pathetically vague statement that suggests she knows what is “right” and voters should just trust her because of her innate goodness. Reminds me of Krupa. If I recall, Beth does not live in what is considered traditionally an “older neighborhood,” i.e. one with economic and social challenges, so to say she will advocate for our neighborhoods should be cause for concern.

  3. Beth, what Tulip is trying to say is fake your degree, get caught shoplifting, and build up some unpaid traffic tickets THEN she’ll trust your innate goodness.

  4. 11Bravo,
    I believe what Tulip is saying is that she is “concerned.” 
    Given the performance of the City Council [and many of its members], I would say Tulip has every right to be concerned. 

    In the end, I care little about Akeson’s involvement with the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club, her links to Al-Qaeda, the role she played in bringing down AIG & Co., and worst of all……her connection to Aaron Schock.

    Where does she stand on the museum issue, downtown development, etc?  Is this an appropriate question now?

  5. In the wake of Bush (God love the shoe hurler) and Blago (God love Fitzgerald), I think I’m about through with platitudes. Give me some substance if you want my vote. “Right” doesn’t cut it.

  6. Marty-
    Thank you, thank you, thank you  for your words of encouragement! I will touch base soon or call me @ 682-6447 or 696-7530.   
    Yes, I drive through Averyville and I am familiar with the Averyville Plan through several neighborhood leaders.  Averyville is an area with much potential especially because of its proximity to the river, Springdale and Glen Oak Park.
    If you are so inclined call me @682-6447 or 696-7530. Or email me at
    I do not know where you live and you most likely would not like being judged based on your address so please do not judge me by mine.
    Ask yourself why would Beth be investing time advocating for older neighborhoods if she did not care about Peoria’s future? Hopefully,  you will conclude the time I spend is because I understand that without a strong core our city will fail.
    When we were asked to consider a move to Peoria in 1985 I wanted to live on Moss Avenue.  In fact, it was because of a house on Moss, our stay at the Pere Marquete Hotel and the people we met that encouraged us to move away from Seattle.  We did not move to Moss for a variety of reasons- but we do live in an older home and have spent 20 plus years renovating it.
    I would like you to know more about me and although I suspect we have never met- I urge you to contact me.  We may have more in common than you imagine.

  7. Tulip — All Beth has done is announce she’s running.  You’re acting like her announcement was a presentation of her entire platform. Give her a chance, at least.

  8. I’m all for giving people – high on the economic and social ladder and low – the benefit of the doubt. But if they just proclaim they are “right” and offer no specific plans – the museum block, thanks to New Voice, for e.g. – I see that as a HUGE red flag.

  9. Ask yourself why would Beth be investing time advocating for older neighborhoods if she did not care about Peoria’s future? Hopefully,  you will conclude the time I spend is because I understand that without a strong core our city will fail.

    She speaks of herself in the third person. And you wonder about  me?

  10. Tulip – Your gal won. Why the big chip on your shoulder?

    And what’s up with always talking about where people live?  As I recall that was the subject of a hit piece on Joan Krupa as well. You know, often, when people live well, its because they made some pretty darn good decisions in their life. Why is that reason for scorn in your book?

    Success used to be viewed as a good thing. Now, it’s shameful. This does not bode well for the future of our country…

  11. Success is just fine. But when people take that success and feel the need to bestow their virtues, wisdom, caring, etc. on those who haven’t succeeded I do have a problem. Just write a check and be done with it. I’m not unsuccessful. But I feel no compulsion to instill my values on those who haven’t merged their identity with opportunity.

  12. Tulip- Fine then- Run for office and put yourself on the line.  You are obviously unhappy and if you can do a better job than those who are wiling to meet the challage- have at it.  So far I am not impressed with your tiatribe.

  13. But when people take that success and feel the need to bestow their virtues, wisdom, caring, etc. on those who haven’t succeeded I do have a problem. Just write a check and be done with it.

  14. Really, I have no “tiatribe.” Even if I did, maybe that’s not any worse than RBlago’s megalomania.

  15. No comment to the above statement. I just wanted to memorialize it.
    Ms. Vespa: your point is? A bit sad.

  16. These comments are not necessarily directed towards Beth Akeson.  I do not know her as well as some of you [obviously]. 

    Beth runs in certain ‘social’ circles.  Fine. 
    Many of you have posted on this issue are usually very…cool.  Tonight I see a bunch of asses.  Exactly the kind of people that Tulip [and me] become so wary about. 

    The Museum, the new logo, lack of downtown development, Dist 150, etc, all issues that have been commented on frequently by C.J. and Company……and NOT in a positive light!  Despite YEARS of inadequate funding and support, the Museum is STILL a freaking issue!  The new logo?  Crap.  Dist 150?  Lets not go there.  HOW is that this kind of gross mismanagement continues?  I am not a conspiracy nut, but who in the HELL is in charge in this city? 

    Tulip and many others are sick to death of the ‘successful’ people in Peoria running the city into the ground. 

    Again, I do not know enough about Akeson to go either way.  She may be a godsend…….

    George.  Don’t be a butt-head!  You know as well as I do that Tulip and 99% of the people living in Peoria County do not have the ‘clout’ to run for anything but cub scout den mother. 

  17. Sad? Sad is disregarding a candidate who JUST filed today and has only made one mildly public statement (sorry CJ no disrespect to the blog intended) about her candidacy. Sad is ripping her apart for speaking of herself in the third person. Sad is being so ridiculously picky in this situation but walking on fire for an out and out criminal in the 92nd district race.

    Its clear Tulip suffers from a major case of class envy and anyone higher than her on the social strata MUST have less than the best of intentions.

  18. Beth: Some advice, don’t start your campaign getting into a p*ssing content with anonymous bog commenters. If you want no insult to go unpunished, ask some friends of family members do to do it for you.

  19. “That’s beneath you and just ugly.”

    Just to be clear, to “troll” on a blog means “To deliberately post false or controversial messages to gain attention for the sake of attention, usually from people who genuinely want to help.”

    Tulip is criticizing Beth, but when Beth takes the time to respond to Tulip, Tulip ignores her and continues making inflammatory statements, apparently just to get attention.  I’m just calling a spade, a spade.

    I encouraged Beth to respond with an offer to talk and explain her platform to Tulip, but it’s obvious that Tulip isn’t interested in listening.  So I agree with Billy.  Don’t waste your time, Beth.  Tulip is only interested in insulting you.

  20. Brilliant advice. 
    This from a guy named ‘Billy’ who blogs his butt off.  Should we all restrict our comments to the new city logo?

  21. I didn’t rip her for speaking in the third person. A person certainly has the literary prerogative to do so. I only mentioned it since I was called out for “speaking of her in the third person.”

    As for the statement that “Its (sic) clear Tulip suffers from a major case of class envy and anyone higher than her on the social strata MUST have less than the best of intentions.” I’ll have to admit this might be true. You’ve got me dead to rights.

  22. C.J.  I fail to see ANY insult on Tulips part.  You know VERY WELL that we have seen FAR worse between people who post on your site.  Frankly, as I wrote earlier, Akeson might actually be good for Peoria.  But Diane’s ‘cheerleading’ got old when she was doing it for Krupa.  Must we endure?

    I dare anyone to show just where Tulip was insulting………

  23. Well Tulip at least you admit to being prejudice, not we can just ignore those comments that lack any sense of rational thought like the ones in this threa.

    “You know as well as I do that Tulip and 99% of the people living in Peoria County do not have the ‘clout’ to run for anything but cub scout den mother.”

    NV, thats a bunch of BS. Of course it’s also a good excuse to never actually TRY to make a difference as well.

  24. 11Bravo,
    You are obviously an expert on BS.  I am sure that Tulip, like most of us, is a parent.  I am sure that she has done more than her fare share to “make a difference”.  In your opinion [and I use the word lightly] does Tulip HAVE to run for city council to make a difference?

  25. Real Tulip or fake Tulip…this has been an interesting exchange.  I just wish half you people weren’t so………………deficient[?] 
    Now look what you have done.  I am having to resort to insults.

  26. I am signing off.  Will continue blogging combat tomorrow. 
    Until then 11Bravo, try not to get a cramp.

  27. Oh nice one NV, I guess I didn’t realize we were going back to playground rules.

    No of course I don’t think Tulip has to run for city council to make a difference. I do think if she is going to nit pick about someone’s mere announcement for city council that she should put her money where her mouth is or back off.

    And are you claiming that anyone who has had a child is making a difference? I would take issue with that statement. I’d also take issue with the idea that she has done her “fair share”. We can all always do more. But if you really believe that let me know I’ll call the Pope and we’ll get her canonization fast tracked.

  28. New Voice: Really?  You don’t find it just a little insulting that Beth offered to talk with Tulip about Tulip’s concerns and Tulip wouldn’t even acknowledge her?

  29. I encouraged Beth to respond with an offer to talk and explain her platform to Tulip, but it’s obvious that Tulip isn’t interested in listening.  So I agree with Billy.  Don’t waste your time, Beth.  Tulip is only interested in insulting you.

    Sad. Self righteous. Ugly.

  30. Hello, anyone for some common sense?  Where you live is irrelevant to your contributions.  It is just another way to separate us into devisive factions rather than working together. 

    If you have a knowledge of Star Trek, a mindmelt from Spock right about now would be great.  Words will probably not adequately describe the many attributes and knowledge which Beth will bring to our great city.  Here goes my attempt.

    Perhaps if there was some technological way for CJ to create a link for the indepth and insightful research, comments, common sense, positions which Beth has already posted at the Peoria Chronicle, you would begin to understand that Beth is what Peoria needs.  She has integrity, backbone, common sense and understands issues in older neighborhoods, economic development, city planning and many other issues about the impact of all components of a city working together.   She has been in the business world and understands budgets, needs vs. wants and values inclusive participartory government.  Beth has already shown her commitment with countless hours as a commissioner on the Heart of Peoria Commission and she has networked and traveled to talk with experts who are on the cutting edge of what works and HAS not worked to make cities successful.  She has already shown her dedication to the citizens of Peoria.  She has advocated for best practices to help turn our city around instead of using outdated strategies which keep us in the failed dog chasing its tail strategies which are continually played out in Peoria.

    Betth does not support the current silo management of each bureaucracy doing its own thing to the detriment of our city’s health, future and the deterioration and destruction of older neighborhoods and our city as a whole.  Beth supports inclusive, participatory government where citizens are engaged and feel that they are a part of the solution because they have helped to develop the solution rather than being told what is best for them.  Beth supports planning for our city which enables a vision where the various bureaucracies realize that we all need to work together for the best output for our stabilized future.

    Beth’s offer is sincere when she invites you, anyone to contact her with your concerns, issues, ideas and your own commitment to be part of the solution to help turn our city around.

    Tulip:  I have worked side by side with Beth on some issues.  If I were a soldier in a real battle, I would trust Beth with my life.  Please take the opportunity to get to know her, I believe that you will be pleasantly surprised. 

    Beth:  If I have in any way misrepresented your positions, please feel free to correct here on this blog or elsewhere.

    So, let’s stay positive.  Let’s stick to the issues.  Let’s work together to re-build our city before there is nothing left to re-build.

  31. Karrie
    Thanks for the positive approach. Unfortunately what we have heard so far is empty rhetoric. We hope that will change.

  32. I’m also signing off but not thinking people are being open minded about comments today. Actually  I’m feeling pretty bummed.

  33. I would hope that voters would give Ms. Akeson a chance to be judged on the merits of what she has to offer as a City Council candidate and not on her address or “position” in Peoria.  I was disappointed when she was not elected to the School Board.  I felt that was primarily due to her economic status and not her position on educational issues.
    Really strange??  Who do people of Peoria want to represent their interests on complex issues like the hotel development, the museum, school reform?  I don’t know that I have agreed with Ms. Akeson’s position on all issues that I have seen her write or speak about, but she is always well spoken and seems to have researched and studied the matters she addresses.  Most importantly, she seems intelligent, which is a huge attribute missing in some of our elected officials. 
    I do not know Ms. Akeson personally, this is just my observation of her thus far.

  34. Good Morning-
    Karrie, Thank you for your eloquent, measured remarks-and actually, as you know, I also welcome criticism.  I think it is difficult to converse through blogging because you never know how words will be interpreted, as we learned here.   Personal contact is more productive.  I did not want to appear as if I was sparring with Tulip- I really hope he/she contacts me- so thank you for urging him/her to do so.
    In any event, perhaps bloggers would be willing to give the candidates a list of questions they would like answered.  The Journal Star and the Chamber of Commerce will give us a list of questions and require written answers before they interview us.  Our comments will be posted on their websites and they will give us thumbs up or down based on our written response and personal interviews.    
    Last but not least- I too would trust you with my life.

  35. This is one thing that would get me to vote for Mrs. Akeson or anyone running in this district: if she could advocate for the apartment renters in this city. The landlords in this city are corrupt.
    As a long time rent paying apt dweller, I’d like to know if she would be willing to stop landlords from stealing from tenants. Plain and simple. Landlords in the city rarely give back to renters their deposits or the interest due on deposits, as is law. They make up lies to keep the deposits and interest and a renter has no way of countering the lies.  For example, my friends mother moved out of an apt recently and the landlord kept the deposit and interest because they said the women left the kitchen soiled and greasy and the bathroom laden with feces along with a worn carpet. I know the women.  She keeps a cleaner house than I do and I’m a clean freak. She felt insulted and humiliated but had no recourse and lost her deposit and the interest that was due to her. She kept her part of the bargain but the landlord did not.
    Many people I know, old and young, family and friends, have be denied their rental deposits and deposit interest by corrupt landlords in this city who lie and say that the apt was left in worse condition that when the tenant moved in.  If you don’t believe me, just ask around.  Few I know has positive stories to tell.  It has happened to me. And I am a good housekeeper. My apt is kept immaculate and when I move out, it is often in better condition than when I moved in.
    I will vote for you if you please will propose to set up an office for tenant/landlord issues that will protect the tenant from unscrupulous landlords.
    I won’t call your numbers on this issue, Mrs. Akeson, to talk to you, though I’d love to.  You want to know why?  If I’m known, I’ll get booted out by my landlord and it would be hard to get another apt in this city if I’m labeled a trouble maker by arrogant landlords.  These people need to be collared in by this city.

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