Category Archives: Uncategorized

Vacation almost over, but first I get an extra hour of sleep

“This is my favorite time of year,” my daughter informed me tonight in a quiet voice, as if she didn’t want anyone but me to hear. We were trick-or-treating, and she had just gotten some more of her favorite candy at one of the houses in our neighborhood.

Halloween is a nice time to finish a vacation, especially since they changed the end date for Daylight Saving Time. After driving seven hours and walking the children around the neighborhood, it will be nice to get an extra hour of sleep.

Please invite me, Mr. Ahl

I’ve been visiting my old friend Jonathan Ahl’s blog for quite some time. Especially since he moved to Iowa, I liked to read it to keep up with how he was liking the Hawkeye State, what new things Tommy was saying, and how he was enjoying his new job.

But when I went to read his blog tonight, I got the rude message, “Permission denied”:

This blog is open to invited readers only

It doesn’t look like you have been invited to read this blog. If you think this is a mistake, you might want to contact the blog author and request an invitation.

And did I mention that he didn’t even visit me when he was in Peoria last weekend? I do believe I’ve been defriended. 🙁

Open Soapbox Monday

I hear tell the major television networks are going to carry Michael Jackson’s memorial service live, as if he were a head of state or something. It seems the public has an insatiable desire for celebrity news, but little interest in the mundane matters that affect their everyday lives. All we need now is for Elton John to rewrite “Candle in the Wind” again….

But you don’t have talk about that — it’s Open Soapbox Monday, so feel free to write on whatever topic you would like.