67 thoughts on “Open soapbox Thursday”

  1. What a great investigative piece this would be for our illustrious MSM. We can even write the headline for them: “Top District Administrator on paid medical leave travels overseas to pick up custom sports car after mulit-million dollar budget scandal”

  2. Call in the national news. 20/20 or someone would love this. We can make 150 a world known distict just the way Keny wanted it. He can be in the spotlight. A tell all story including him and all his players. Include the district attorney {Lyons} and why its taking so long for him to do his job regarding MD.

  3. I’d appreciate some input from teachers concerning privacy/confidentiality issues at a D150 school. If a parent hears a principal complaining to a former colleague at a volleyball game about a teacher who scheduled a doctor appt. during ISAT testing, would that be considered a violation of that teacher’s privacy? Even though the teacher’s name wasn’t used, she was easily identifiable, given there was only one teacher out during ISAT testing at that school. Anyway, if you were the teacher being gossiped about, how would you want the parent to handle it?

  4. I’m not sure about Hinton’s status, but I thought his retirement started as of December 2–which means he would not be on medical leave. I hope someone has better information. Also, I still would like to know about the trip to Germany–I was this information gained, etc.

  5. TR64

    i would want the parent to give the principal a hand shake as the principal’s concern was justified. secondly, shame on the parent for eavesdropping.

    glad i could help.

  6. TR64–An ethical principal would not discuss a teacher’s personal matters with a parent or a former colleague. This wasn’t about time off; it was possibly about a possible medical situation that the teacher may want to keep private–and maybe not even the principal’s business. It was not a personal day–it was a sick day. Also, the district would not have allowed the teacher to take off on this particular day if rules were broken. The teacher has no reason to be embarrassed, etc., about taking that day off.

  7. I just called the District and they informed me that Ken Hinton is officially retired and not on payroll. Therefore I didn’t feel it was my business to ask if he was in Germany 😉

  8. DP–your hostility is not very helpful. When I attend a school event, I take the best seat I can find. I have no control over another person’s choice to sit in front of me and OPENLY discuss details that are private and confidential. I believe most of the teachers and leadership at D150 behave professionally. However, discussing details in a way that makes the person identifiable even without the mention of a name is still a violation of privacy. Do D150 employees get training about privacy issues?

  9. “Hinton had previously said he would retire the end of this school year, but in October said he planned to leave the district sooner, citing health and family reasons.” – from pjstar online.

    Who goes to Germany for their health? Spas in Switzerland, maybe…. but Germany? Maybe a new BMW makes your back feel better…. must be the heated seats!!

  10. talked to a friend today who told me that he had a brother who is a “big shot” at the BMW plant out in North Carolina. He said they assemble BMWs there, why would Hinton travel all the way to Germany to get one? Any ideas?

  11. My money says this is a hoax to set the magpies in the teacher’s lounge atwitter. And it worked.

  12. OK, m2cents
    As much as I dislike the cushy financial situations that D150 administrators/consultants make for themselves, if Hinton is retired (albeit under strange circumstances) he is not on the D150 payroll anymore. If he spends his $$ on a custom-made BMW and goes to Germany to personally see to its delivery, it’s his $$. (although it is almost criminal that we the taxpayers gave him the largesse to do something like that.) He can spend it as he wants. He can use the new car to commute to his new job with Edison (haha).

    The timing of his retirement and this trip is somewhat awkward.

    I do wonder how someone with a bad back tolerated the long flight to Germany and then the (possible) long car rides to ensue in Europe and then the US upon completion of his uber-special automobile.

    This on the heels of D150 declaring an impasse in negotiations with the teachers union and planning to force implementation of the district’s last proposal on the teachers.

    WHEN is central admin going to be cut????? Less students should equal less administrators, right? And they are the ones making lots-o-bucks. Makes a person wonder where the money tree is and what the money FACTS really are. Just speculating/wondering.

  13. “My money says this is a hoax to set the magpies in the teacher’s lounge atwitter. And it worked.”

    hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, ooohhhh, sniff. (wiping tear from eye…)

    The indignity of it all.

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