Chamber wants to take Peoria business leaders to Red China

The Peoria Area Chamber of Commerce is offering a trip to China for a low package price of about two grand, not including transportation from Peoria to Los Angeles. But why? For what purpose? The Journal Star reports:

A visit to China will not only open the eyes of business leaders, but their minds, said Rob Parks, president of the Peoria Area Chamber of Commerce.

The article doesn’t say specifically what Ms. Parks believes business leaders have their minds closed to. The rest of the article just quotes her saying that the country is very old, very populous, and very friendly. Participants will get to tour the usual sights (e.g., the Great Wall), but will also hear from “Chinese business leaders.”

I wonder if there will be anyone from Amnesty International to speak to our business leaders about China’s widespread human rights violations. It bothers me that the Chamber is cheerleading for doing business in/with a nation where “torture and other ill-treatment continue[s] in prisons, police stations, Re-education through Labour camps, and other unofficial detention facilities” and where hundreds of thousands of people are incarcerated by police without trial, to name just a few human rights abuses.

On the other hand, human rights abuses effectively keep labor costs down. And heaven knows we’ve got to compete with Wal-Mart and other superstores who already exploit cheap Chinese labor. So I guess it’s best not to think about things that might prick the conscience. It’s not good for business.

25 thoughts on “Chamber wants to take Peoria business leaders to Red China”

  1. China has people…a crap-ton of people for greedy corporate America to sell too. They make cheap products that undercut anything we can produce stateside. Who cares about human rights violations? It’s all about the “bottom line.” I personally feel (unless they would like to volunteer their own funds for the trip) it would be a waste of resources. What could they possibly learn in China that would transfer to business growth in Peoria? However, Chinese justice would take care of our gang and crime problem in Peoria. And their education system would effectively give our young ones a new view on life. Hmmm…..maybe Parks is onto something here…


  2. I saw Rob on the news a few days back talking about this. What took PJStar so long to get on board with this? At first, I thought what the heck? In this economy they are taking a trip to China? I haven’t kept up with the history of this group. Have they taken trips before? Do Chambers in other cities our size take trips? I, personally, have been on group trips and at least one meal a day is on you. Do they think they will bring business back to Peoria? I think not, because anything can be made in China less expensive than it is made here. Do I want my community leaders to be well traveled? Yes! It also said Rob was just in China, so now she thinks everyone should go on our dollar? If they learn as much as the park district group did about planning river fronts, we’re in for a treat.

    But, when everyone is cutting back, why now? The fact that they need to open their minds is not good enough for me. Let them open their minds on their own dime. If they have extra money burning a hole in their “let’s spend tax dollar” pockets, I’d rather have policeman get their jobs back.

  3. They should take the school board there, the senior school staff. Take our city council. Show them the schools, the universities. Show them the phenomenal growth that is underway. Remind them that China will produce more engineers in one year than we have students in school. Drive home the point that if we do not change, we will be obsolete. That the current path is a path to nowhere.

    Of course all of this would be lost on our Chamber of Commerce, as they are central piece to the challenges we face.

  4. Maybe they could do us a favor and stay there. I bet the Chinese would give them a job for a dollar a day. Hey! Maybe that’s what Parks meant about opening their minds? Let them work for a few years for a dollar a day, and that will open their minds! I think that’s worth a contribution from all of us. Just make sure they have to stay at least three years in that job, and no CARE packages, unless they get caught jaywalking, reading a bilbe or something like that, and have to go to a concentration camp, then I’d allow one CARE package a month. Want them to come home alive, you know. OK, Who will join me in this effort??

  5. Someone please refresh my memory. What was it Rob Parks came out in support of regarding Ken Hinton? Was it shorter school days???

  6. “But, when everyone is cutting back, why now? The fact that they need to open their minds is not good enough for me. Let them open their minds on their own dime. If they have extra money burning a hole in their “let’s spend tax dollar” pockets, I’d rather have policeman get their jobs back.”

    This trip is 100% funded by those wishing to attend the trip. None of the expenses are covered by tax dollars. The low price is made possible through a company called Citslinc ( that offers discounted group rates.

    Do Chambers in other cities our size take trips?

    Yes, Citslinc has taken other chambers of commerce from Southern California (where Citslinc is based), as well as Texas, New Mexico, and chambers from the Chicago area. You can visit Citslinc’s site to learn more.

  7. So each of them is paying their own way? Then, what is the big deal? More power to them.

  8. They better take respirators. The last time I was in China (2002) the air was so polluted the sky was gray, even though the sun was out. Ugh.
    And that was an issue at the Olympics in 2008, so likely nothing has changed.

    Good post, C.J. Why IS the C of C sponsoring this trip? To send even more jobs to China?

    Or to show the leaders what’s in store for the USA in the future: Zillions of huge, tall, ugly, concrete high rise apts where people live in a few square feet – the only way to house urban populations of the size of China.

    They do have efficient public transportation — including high speed trains that are verrrry nice.

    Anyone who objects to whatever the rulers want is locked away or worse. Maybe that’s what the C of C wants to demonstrate to the leaders.

  9. I really love Parks’ comments about the need to open the eyes and minds of chamber members. We tried to do that when they led the efforts to close Woodruff. Now they have their own school in which to train those young people who will become the cheap labor of the future.

  10. But…… do they have nice museums?

    Maybe since CAT is building plants all over China, our C of C is going to China to see what they can do to keep CAT in Peoria!

    Ancient Chinese Secret!

  11. it’s no secret, New Voice, you pay extremely low wages and anybody who complains gets shipped to a concentration camp, if their lucky, that is. The Chinese government is not really communist, of course, they’re National Socialists – Nazis. And if you don’t believe me, ask the people of Tibet.

  12. Guys and Gals…This is simply a “head” trip. You know, like the trips 95 GLO offer every year to the Bahamas in the winter? A cut rate price so a bunch of do nothing honchos can go to China at a cut rate price. Another do nothing scam from our great CofC. Let them go. Maybe the plane will be shot down by the North Koreans.

  13. Hey Mouse! National Socialists – Nazis. Isn’t that what Obama is? LMAO

  14. I communication in business and socially with Chinese citizens, both in the US personally and in China (via Skype phone and chat) on a daily basis. I tease them about being Communists. One finally admitted to me that he was a Communist Party member. I asked him if that meant when he went to port to pick up his shipment, he could go right in show his Communist card and receive favorable treatment and waiver of some fees. He assured me that no favor would be granted and no fee would be waived. “They all about the money.” So I asked him what he did with Communist Party. He said, “Pay 12 dollar month dues and get nothing for it! They just about the money.”

    The underpaid Chinese workers tolerate the conditions no more, and no less than West Virginian miners and Louisiana oil worker tolerate conditions that they know are dangerous. This is not some communist phenomenon, neither is it a capitalist phenomenon of the ultra rich. Men rich and poor, have risked liberty and life, not just of themselves, but their son’s and neighbors for life-style. The phenomenon of desire for the style of this world corrupts all societal stratas, political agendas and belief systems.

    Give us this day…
    Forgive us our trespasses…
    And lead us not into temptation…

    Chase Ingersoll

  15. Chase makes an excellent [if not ‘wordy’] point.

    Besides, wasn’t this post supposed to be about the Peoria C of C, and how we can further belittle them?

  16. @Here we go again: Rob Parks came to a school board meeting (4/20/09) at which they voted to close Tyng and Kingman. She said to the board, “Please close these schools. It’s what needs to be done.”

  17. What is it with Rob Parks? She seems to want to run the city and District 150, and people are allowing it.

  18. Rob Parks came to a school board meeting (4/20/09) at which they voted to close Tyng and Kingman. She said to the board, “Please close these schools. It’s what needs to be done.”

    This wasn’t the only time. Any time a school closing comes up for discussion or vote, Roberta Parks, representing the Peoria Area Chamber of Commerce, sits in the audience. Sometimes she says nothing, other times she defiantly, against the wishes of the neighborhood community, addresses the school board and pleads with them to close our schools. It is shameful.

  19. The Chamber loses support every year because of Rob. While I have heard her reputation for being a very task oriented and detailed employess is remarkable, her elitist attitude has driven many away. She often steps to her own tune and doesn’t get it, and doesn’t care. I for one think she needs to go.

  20. Yes, Emtronics, Obama is a National Socialist. Chase has a point, but you cannot equate WVA miners and Louisiana oil workers with the underpaid Chinese. Most US miners and oil workers are well paid. And they can walk away from the job at any time.

  21. Roberta Parks, representing the Peoria Area Chamber of Commerce

    The Peoria AREA Chamber of Commerce that represents citizens of Washington, Morton, East Peoria, Germantown Hills equally. You know – the communities that according to the latest census reports have grown by double digits. One has to question if she really has the best interests of Peoria at heart.

  22. Roberta Parks is a smart cookie. She has raised her children in this city, they all went to public school, I believe. I don’t always agree with her tactics, but I do believe she truly only wants what is best for Peoria.

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