City Council Primary Endorsements

Here are my endorsements for the at-large City Council election tomorrow:

  1. Gary Sandberg — Gary does his homework, asks the hard questions, and votes consistently in favor of essential services first. He’s chosen to live on a section of Bigelow street most wouldn’t want to drive through, let alone take up residence, which shows he’s not afraid to practice what he preaches and keeps him keenly aware of the challenges facing older neighborhoods, from crime to code enforcement to sidewalk maintenance. He appears to have an immunity to groupthink. And the Journal Star hates him, so you know he must be doing something right. If you’re unsure about anyone else, you can’t go wrong voting for Gary.
  2. George Jacob — George was appointed to finish out Jim Ardis’s at-large term when Ardis became mayor. I was dubious about his appointment, but George has won me over. He’s not afraid to get down in the trenches, so to speak, going out on police patrols and spending evenings at residents’ houses in areas prone to crime. His liquor license doesn’t appear to have hampered his ability to be a constructive member of the council.
  3. Dan Irving — Dan is currently on the city’s liquor commission. He grew up on a farm in Hanna City and now works for Lincoln Office. I met him recently for coffee and got to ask him quite a few questions about his philosophy on city issues. His views remind me a lot of Bob Manning’s. On issues ranging from TIFs to the Heart of Peoria Plan to city assistance for District 150 and other issues, Dan seemed to me to be informed, level-headed, and realistic in his approach.

Only three? Yes, only three I feel comfortable unreservedly endorsing.

However, there are other candidates that are worth further consideration (maybe we can consider this a “qualified” endorsement): Brad Carter, Dan Gillette, Patti Polk, and Charles Schierer. With the exception of Polk, I’ve spent a fair amount of time talking to these candidates, but only about one or two issues. After reading their answers to the Chamber of Commerce’s and Journal Star’s questionnaires, I have some further questions. Polk’s answers to the questionnaires I found to be rather vague. So hopefully, if all these candidates make it through the primary (and I hope they do), I’ll try to meet with them and get more information before I publish my General Election Endorsements.

5 thoughts on “City Council Primary Endorsements”

  1. why the fawning over sandburg? sure, he votes for basic services and does his homework. but with more than umpteen years on the council he still doesnt do much other than be the gadfly. its time for him to go and replace him with someone that is focused on basic city services that ALSO has LEADERSHIP qualities that can get this council going in the right direction.

    voting no on everything is one thing. its much more to build a colatition of people that will actually DO something like repeal the garbage tax, reopen fire station 11, and stop all this stoopid spending on the civic center.

    gary helps some constitutents in need. he also votes the right way on most issues. but as long as he is a periah and not a serious leader, he only cheapens the cause of basic city services. its time for him to go.

  2. Maybe we should vote for more “periahs.” Now, if we could only do something about our lame state and federal reps, etc.
    P.S. Trust in our Trustees!

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