Vote Today

Today is a primary election day. I voted this morning at about 8 a.m. at Westminster Presbyterian Church which is the polling place for three or four precincts. I was the only one there other than the election judges from the minute I walked in to the minute I walked out. I didn’t pass anyone coming or going, either. That’s pretty sad.

If you’re registered to vote and you haven’t voted already, I encourage you to take the time to go to your polling place and cast a ballot.

3 thoughts on “Vote Today”

  1. I was there about a quarter to 8 (usually a pretty popular time) and saw 6 voters total, two of which were a very frustrated elderly couple who were having a heck of a time trying to work the machine. The woman kept wanting to quit, but her husband wouldn’t let her. They were still working on it when I left.

    My count of 6 assumes the two gentlemen I passed in the parking lot were going to vote.

  2. C.J.: how stupid is it to have a run-off election like this? No wonder no one wants to go to the trouble to vote in this kind of an election.

  3. RomanII: Yeah, in one way it seems silly, but I suppose a line has to be drawn somewhere. I mean, what if 25 people were running? At some point, you have to have a primary election to get things more manageable. They’ve drawn the line at 10, which is reasonable, so now we’re have a primary to only eliminate 4 people. It could be worse. Imagine if there were 11 candidates! A primary to eliminate only one poor schmo!

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