4 thoughts on “McCain camp satirizes media love for Obama”

  1. 1. Obama has the substance to back up this love. He is a fantastic speaker, yes, but he has a vision and well defined plans to back up what he says.
    2. If the media loves Obama so much, why did CBS news edit Couric’s interview with McCain last night so that no one would see Mr. Foreign Policy “expert” talk about the Iraq-Pakistan border (they’re 750 miles apart, divided by a country called Iran)
    3. If the media loves Obama so much, how come they don’t talk about his crude sense of humor and the totally inappropriate jokes he is wont to make:
    4. IF the media loves Obama so much, why do they keep ignoring McCain’s huge gaffes, like citing Czechoslovakia repeatedly in recent speeches, the country that hasn’t existed for 15 years
    5. if the media loves Obama so much, see the same link above for the many issues on which McCain has “flip flopped” (hate the term, love the shoes) – including Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthy and campaign finance (remember the much lauded McCain Feingold campaign finance reform bill a few years back?) The media barely talks about any of this.

    God forbid Obama had done any of these things -he’d be ripped apart. He is dissected daily right now, as it is, because he’s the leader/ a leader who says smart things. Because he’s a hot property in the media. Because people want to see more about him. Lots of reasons.

    Heck, even his own supporters are taking him to task over his change on the FISA bill. As far as I’m concerned, Obama can’t catch a break – while McCain’s constant inane and offensive chatter gets no attention at all.

  2. That was funny……….. but yet, not…..

    I was standing in the lobby of The Great Yellow God a few years ago waiting for someone when Obama came walking down the steps from the offices with one man, who shook his hand and sent him on his way. Obama turned from that man, nodded hello to me, then walked across that huge lobby and out the doors alone. He had such presence, I thought then, he’ll never come walking out of these offices alone again.

  3. My daughter was living in Africa at the time in a hut with no running water and no electricity. Can you say Peace Corp? Then, while she was there Bush decides that the USA will no longer provide tampax or birth control for Peace Corps women. Notice, these two things only affected females in the Corps, so if you have a period or are raped while living in your hut, well, you are just SOL!! So, I had to beg her doctor back her to give me The Pill and send boxes of tampax to Africa, praying they wouldn’t get stolen before they reached her village. So, no, I didn’t faint, but I did consider running up to him and begging him for tampax for women in the Peace Corp!! That literally went through my mind at the time.

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