New Urbanism in 10 minutes a day, Pt. 6

Part 6 of Andres Duany’s lecture on new urbanism covers: “‘Sense of Place’, cont’d; What is it? How do you achieve it? What makes historical neighborhoods so desirable? The role of landscaping; Current residential development issues.”

One thought on “New Urbanism in 10 minutes a day, Pt. 6”

  1. This is an excellent set of presentations, and very eye-opening. Duany is an impressive individual. I’m not up to speed on the status of this planning approach in Peoria. What is its status within Peoria’s administration? Has the HOP Comm’n officially endorsed it? Has the City Council endorsed it? Is it to be the blueprint for planning within the HOP boundaries?

    If we are going to follow it, we need to do it resolutely with many facets of the City – government, developers, community and neighborhod leaders, leaders of the business, medical, education communities. It’s a daunting task to figure out how to get from where we are to where Duany’s approach suggests we need to be. But if we cann do it, it seems it may solve some of the other problems we have and are wringing out hands about how to solve.

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