67 thoughts on “Open soapbox Thursday”

  1. I think it’s a shame the new Veteran’s Outpatient Clinic is named for a politician. Bob Michel wasn’t a bad guy. I remember voting for him, but he already has a bridge, for heaven’s sake. Can’t we name some things for people other than politicians? Like, maybe, somebody who actually did something except make speeches, shuffle paper and live off the taxpayers?

  2. I don’t know, but it seems like the fact that Robert H. Michel served with the 39th Infantry Regiment as a combat infantryman in England, France, Belgium, and Germany during WW II, was wounded by machine gun fire, and was awarded two Bronze Stars, the Purple Heart, and 4 battle stars says to me that it is more than appropriate to name the Veteran’s Outpatient Clinic after Rep. Michel.

    That sure looks like “doing something” in my book!

  3. Well said, Hopper. Although, I wouldn’t have been opposed to a Harold A. Fritz VA clinic either.

  4. Bloomington Cellular Arena mess. Projected to earn $765,000 the first or second year. Lost money 35 months out of 36. City bond rationg in jeopardy.

    Anyone see a resemblance of happenings in Peoria? I note the news about The City of Bloominton’s dilemna was on WMBD TV last night. (My blog of last night) Not a word from the JSEB.


  5. Merle, maybe I am wrong but why would the JSEB care about commenting on the Bloomington arena? That would be the job of the Pantagraph. I could understand, though not expect, an article on it but not something from the JSEB.

    Now, WMBD and the other television stations cover both areas so of course a story there makes sense.

  6. Well I don’t know about the rest of you but it was a wonderful day in the neighborhood. The sun was shining and a nice breeze and we cleaned out the gutters and watched the birds come and scour through the gutter cleanings for goodies. All in all it was a great day. Traffic flowing nicely, neighbors waving and saying “Hi”. No bad news in the mail and no screwy telephone calls. So like I said it was a wonderful day in the neighborhood. I choose to dwell in the nice things today. Hope the rest of you can enjoy it.

  7. Keith, I agree. I hear “the island” is loaded with fresh ideas, great enthusiasm, and a plethora of integrity.

  8. If the Peoria Charter School’s intent is to produce students who will go on in the sciences or engineering, get careers in those fields, and be successful; I remain unconvinced that they can pull this off. From the start they are adopting the state standards and well… I don’t think the state standards are high enough.

  9. For those that do not know, but do care:

    Seventeen Peoria police officers have received official lay off notices from the city of Peoria. Yes, that is seventeen.

    From all the people I’ve spoken to, no one can ever recall a time when the city of Peoria has had to lay off police officers.

    These lay offs are to start on Jan 1, 2010.

  10. I am happy to see that Luciano (PJS) did think that the Richwoods Band bus situation did deserve an explanation. I believe that the problem is that 150 doesn’t have a good communication system. Isn’t that a surprise?

  11. sctobrien,

    Sud O Nym and I both suggest that the laid-off police officers might find work as security guards for the new museum.

    What next for Peoria……………….?

  12. 17 police officers… the city could not find another way to save money? Not happy with this one bit!

    As for Dist 150…. maybe they should read their own values…

    Expectations of Excellence β€” Respectβ€”Integrity / Ethical Behavior
    Collaboration β€” Communication β€” Commitment / Accountability

  13. mawb. you are assuming that d150 admin actually takes time to read…peoria will pay dearly for 17 lost police officers on the streets to protect….time to move…

  14. @MAWB, several ideas have been suggested to the council for raising revenue as opposed to lay offs, especially of police officers. They refuse to hear any of this. Instead they chose to strongarm the police union for political purposes.

    This still doesn’t have to be the end of it. If hundreds of people show up and protest the layoffs, and ask that they increase revenues, we can remind them that they not only represent us; they are there to serve us (i.e. public servant).

  15. RHS Band Transportation: Let’s all show our support for the RHS band at the football game tomorrow (RHS 1:00 p.m.). Past practices teach that the person who dropped this ball will NOT make a formal apology, WILL blame the PJStar for reporting the facts, and might even file a formal letter with the state. πŸ™‚ BTW: isn’t the 10-day paid leave for MD officially up today?

  16. TR64 good question….isn’t the 66 days, oops I mean 10-days PAID leave officially up today for Mary Davis? Should be…..now where did I lay that indictment………

  17. There are over 2 million dollars worth of unpaid parking tickets out there according to WMBD. Perhaps the blunt skulled idiots that run this town should look into, oh I don’t know, maybe collecting the $$$ owed. I know Ardis and the council(other than Gary) aren’t real bright, but it would seem to me that those funds would more than pay to keep those officers working. Of course w/ catch and release Kevie at the helm, maybe there’s no sense in arresting anyone for anything!

  18. General – isn’t it bold of you to say “increase revenues” when you don’t produce any?

  19. Having several friends in both the police and fire departments and seeing that this is an outragous cut in city services has anyone thought of staging a major protest? I would be more then happy to attend. This country has formal protest to thank for its existance I think this is a great opportunity to exercise our rights.

  20. The only time you can get a major protest Olive is if Ken Hinton’s name is attached to it.

  21. Emerge, do you really believe that all our complaints will go away when Ken Hinton leaves? I have said so many times that the problems preceded Ken (and Royster). I had so hoped she or he would have solved them–actually, I believed he (and she) would try. However, the problems–unattended–have grown worse. I know that we (I) sound like a broken record, but I keep hoping somebody in power will listen. I’m not as interested in the city of Peoria politics because I don’t live in Peoria–can’t vote there, so I don’t feel too good about complaining about the way the city is managed, etc. However, the city of Peoria’s welfare is extremely dependent upon District 150. Personally, I am upset with West Peoria’s officials because they pay almost no attention whatsoever to what 150 does. I can’t even get the residents’ association to take an interestin what is happening at Manual. Many of the families in West Peoria have found their own solution–private schools.

  22. the report on employees by dept showed Legal at 8, Why not earn their keep and collect the FINES ? OR IS THAT BENEATH THEM?

  23. Olive:
    Protesting helps one to vent. Once the venting is done, then what?
    Would you support cuts in another area to pay for police?
    Would you support a tax increase to restore police positions to be cut?
    Other solutions?

    The City Council has preliminarily indicated via the truth and taxation hearing that they could levy up to the max rate but probably won’t based on comments …. And since the EAV is calucated for 2007 and 2008 and 2009 — you may or may not see a decrease in your tax bill, you might end up paying more even if the tax rate stays the same. No one spoke at the hearing.

    Popijw — what do you want to say at City / County policing? Don’t want to lead the witness! πŸ™‚

    Not trying to be a smart alec — let’s come up with some workable solutions instead of just venting — we need a plan of action! πŸ™‚

  24. Right we levy taxes to keep the police. Problem solved. I am positive that there are non essential staff and programs that could be cut versus police and fire protection.

  25. I think what Karrie is trying to say is we need to be part of the solution not the problem. We need to come up with a workable strategy to save the police officers that we are going to lose for our own good. Complaining is okay in a way to communicate, but we need to advise as well. Put your heads together, scour, scrape, and dig to find a better solution and then present it as a united front.

  26. Olive: You need to tell the city council members to increase the tax levy to keep the police. They have repeatedly stated that they do not want to raise the tax rate for any reason although the EAV goes up and so your tax bill will still be higher.

    The only way we get to a different solution is to be specific.

    What non essential staff and programs would you be willing to cut?

  27. Karie:

    First you have to define non essential. I know that seems dumb but, the view of one person’s non essential is different than another’s non essential.

    The facts might reveal that the majority of services provided are people driven ( employees ) who require compensation.

    Cutting programs ultimately means cutting people.

    I will grant you that applying for a building permit is not on the same level as directing traffic during a disaster or providing rescue services, but people are still part of those sevice providing opportunities. Eliminate or reduce the service you have to consider the providers purpose.

  28. Do you think if the Peoria PD or some other Dept. gets both these escapees, Sheriff Klink can still say there’s never been a successful escape from Stalag Peoria County?

  29. Meanwhile, Ken Hinton (on paid medical leave) is on his way to Germany and going to the factory to pick up his his new BMW he had specifically built for him… as he continues to collect his $200K + bonuses + pension on the District 150’s dime. He is then going to drive it across the country to the “docks” where it will be loaded onto a cargo ship going to the US. He will then go to that shipping dock and pick up his car and drive it back to his home in Mapleton. (Merry Christmas to himself). The irony is that he and the district are being sued for huge money, yet the taxpayers will pay the tab and he isn’t even a taxpayer in Peoria. Merry Christmas Peoria Taxpayers, all my love, Ken Hinton!!! By the way, sorry about that $10mill oops I saddled you with suckers!!!

  30. This is absolutely UNBELIEVABLE. Just when you think it can’t get worse…..it does. This man left because of health related issues, or so he said. I’m sorry, I wouldn’t drive across Europe with a cold, much less, a more SERIOUS health issue. Wake up Peoria, this is ridiculous!

  31. I would like to thank my board of Education who without their cooperation this would not have been possible. I’d also like to thank the Peoria Chamber of Commerce, specifically Roberta Parks for running defense for me. I love you man!!!! You guys are the greatest!! Your Pal, Ken πŸ™‚

  32. Perhaps KH, TB, and MD are all going together. You know, drive across Europe……get their stories straight……….NOT!

  33. Where did you hear about this trip to Europe and new car? I hope somebody made the story up, but it sounds as though it’s a true story. Yes, unbelievable–and it is “all about the children.”

  34. Hey whatever: I am sure Stacy Shangraw has a “recorded” message regarding anything to do with Hinton. I shall rename him, the Pied Piper of Wisconsin Ave. since he seems to get people to do his bidding without question!?!?!

  35. so what if it was bought with a district credit card, hey, it’s all for the children! I think he is going to each school and giving rides……

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