Peoria Anti-Pundit calling it quits

Randall Emert (aka the Peoria Anti-Pundit, aka Emtronics) is going to give up blogging (again). He’s stopped blogging a couple times before, only to start again, but this time he says he’s really stopping for good. He’ll be deleting his blog “very soon,” so visit it while you can.

I know how he feels. Blogging is addictive (seriously!), and I admire Randy for being able to stop. He’s been very critical of me on his blog over the years, but I don’t hold it against him. I wish him all the best.

11 thoughts on “Peoria Anti-Pundit calling it quits”

  1. Actually CJ I agree with a lot of the issues you post about from the museum to the hotel to the way the city council handles our business. Most of the time you are right on. I just think sometimes you’re a little anal retentive. If there really is such a thing.

  2. If he isn’t blogging six months from now then I’ll believe it. Mostly he is FOS. But he will come back in a different many different forms.

  3. First, why does the fact that I am no longer going to run a blog deserve a headline on your blog CJ? Second, the only thing I haven’t made my mind up about is whether to delete it lock stock and barrel or leave it up for it’s content and fianlly..
    THIRD; Everyone is FOS to you Malik.
    Take your bets folks….

  4. I think Anti-Pundit is like Jay-Z and Bill Murray, in that they, too, have mentioned a lot about retiring, but never do it. Enjoy your break, Randall.

  5. Randall — I just thought it was noteworthy, that’s all. Like I said on your blog, I’ve thought about shutting down my blog for similar reasons as you, so your sentiments resonated with me.

  6. Thank you CJ. I appreciate your comment. Stick with it because unlike me, you research your topic and blast them on their own words. Me? I’m just full of BS.

  7. I had known of Randall, but his blog gave me the chance to know his thoughts–and, therefore, him. Beneath all the bombast, I found a person whose opinions I have come to appreciate and to agree with many of his opinions where we have often found common ground.

  8. Randall’s a great writer, and he should reconsider giving up blogging. At times, I nearly die laughing when he rails against the city council for its stupidity.

    Now I do agree with him on his last sentence…based on his politics, of course 🙂

  9. It’s funny whenever I heard Ted Kennedy speak I always nodded in enthusiastic agreement. “That’s exactly how I feel.” Often felt the same way when Em wrote comments. Hope he will continue to post thoughts to others’ blogs.

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