Quick comments on the news

Scanning over the Journal Star this morning, there are several interesting articles:

  • Transportation Symposium — Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood had some words of wisdom for Peoria about the possibility of getting passenger rail service: “Get your act together…. Get your priorities. Put them on a list. Agree on them,” he said. “Make sure your elected representatives know what those priorities are.” Those priorities should be to establish direct passenger rail service between Peoria and Chicago. The Peoria Passenger Rail Coalition advocates for that outcome.
  • Another City Council candidate announces — Andre Williams is going to run for the Council, joining Chuck Weaver and Chuck Grayeb who have already announced. I imagine there will be more surprise candidates next week. If more than 10 people run, there will be a primary in February to narrow the field to 10; the general election is in April. Williams is a strategic planner who wants to see the City clarify its vision and compete against larger cities like St. Louis for economic development instead of East Peoria. It will be interesting to hear how he thinks we ought to do that.
  • Carnegie’s closed –Not to be nitpicky, but I believe the restaurant is actually called Carnegie’s 501 now, a shadow of its former glory when it was known simply as Carnegie’s. This comment from hotel manager Bill Carter was telling: “We’re temporarily closing to make some improvements. Depending on what happens with the new hotel [emphasis added], it could reopen as a remade restaurant or it could just reopen with some improvements.” Wait, I thought Mr. Matthews had all his plans finalized and all his funding secured? That’s what he told the council months ago. Why all the uncertainty?

15 thoughts on “Quick comments on the news”

  1. Actually, just a thought, I told C.J. a year or two ago that I would gladly help his campaign if he ever decided to run.

    But thanks for worrying about my political responsibilities.

  2. I have a question. When CJ gets elected to the council what then happens to our lifeline via this blog? Can he continue to scour all the subjects that he does now and give his personal opinions so freely? I love reading this blog but seriously worry that we will lose a great deal of its transparency when he gets on the council. Not that he won’t feel the same as he does now about the subjects that he discusses but can he and will he continue if he is put in the political lime light? Can he do more good here or on the council? I would back CJ on either side, but I’m just asking how this will turn out.

  3. Once C.J. gets on the council, we’ll no longer be able to believe a word he says because he will be biased. And wait until he starts compromising in order to get the things he wants done.


  4. Restoring direct passenger rail service to Chicago will give citizens a much needed transportation option. For too long local transportation policy has been based on the incorrect assumption that all citizens own or have access to a car. Today large segments of our population are ineligible, unable or unwilling to drive private vehicles. Train travel is a much safer mode and in many cases a more efficient use of time and resources.

    Providing alternative modes of transportation will improve Peoria’s stature as a creative class city and boost its economy. Peoria has lost population over the last twenty years and we need to reverse that trend by creating a city that will attract people who are highly talented and motivated. To quote Richard Florida “It’s about creating the sort of cities that creative people want to live in.” If we choose to ignore what attracts the best and brightest then our economic well-being will suffer. We need to recognize and accept that the economy of yesterday will not drive our future. People want to move around easily without the hassle of car ownership- and they want to live in “cool” cities. Peoria is not there yet.

    We must be able to offer people transportation that makes sense. Currently when you travel by train from Chicago through Bloomington or Champagne-Urbana and your destination is Peoria you are bused to the Peoria airport first rather than downtown-why is that? If we do not have a convenient intra-city mass transit system then the advantage of having train service between cities is diminished.

  5. “When CJ gets elected to the council what then happens to our lifeline via this blog?”

    Where have you people been? I have known for some time that C.J. has been grooming kcdad to take over as editor-in-chief of Peoria Chronicle.

  6. Really. How about a SAFE CITY, where the BASIC needs of all citizens are addressed before we move on the the cool stuff.

  7. Laura Petelle traverses the duties of School Board member and transparent blogger pretty nicely. If the individual has half a brain, which CJ does, it can be done.

  8. Laura Petelle essentially stopped blogging when she was elected to the school board and/or became a mother – they were both at about the same time. Last eyebrows blog is from April 10th – and she only puts something on her petelle150 blog about once a month.

  9. Beth – I think transportation options need to start in Peoria itself before worrying about the fastest way to Chicago. Things like no bus service on Sunday? What the heck is that?

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