66 thoughts on “Schock and Colbert”

  1. New Voice
    I believe that I am putting my name to comments. You are not. Often it is just that simple. Ask. Instead of sitting around either griping about a problem, or ripping someone to shreds that one has never had any contact with. I mean, all this hateful discussion about a comedy central piece is absurb.

    Re: the economy. The city has reserves for situations such as this, the question is whether or not to begin tapping into them. City government has two main sources of income, property taxes and sales tax. I have long advocated that it is cheaper to prevent areas from declining and thus preserving property values and therefore stable property tax income. I have also suggested that crime and decay which is driving businesses (and residents) north but not replacing them (businesses and property owners) in the inner city does not benefit the city in the long run for a couple of reasons. It increases the costs to the city through code enforcement staff and police and values decline thus a loss of revenue.

    Regarding sales tax income. What jobs are we bringing to the city? yet another strip mall is being built out north. minimum or next to minimum wage jobs do not generate enough income to promote home ownership or to stimulate sales tax in any significant amount.

    These issues can be solved through city planning and zoning. I and several others have had various opportunities to sit down with city planners from time to time to they can do amazing things. We don’t however utilize them to work on restoration of inner city areas to the degree we should.

    We have had a significant amount of years, planning, time and investment to bring in the growth cells but no long term plan for restoration and stabilization for the rest of the city. Now it is prohibitively expensive to restore the south end, another plan must be developed and implemented.

    I have never read Economist magazine. I work in social services. I don’t glorify my “boys” but appreciate how hard some of them work through first hand knowledge, not conjecture and certainly not spite.

    Additional issues, I get harped on about asking people to pick up the trash in their yard. Does this simply act spur investment. I believe it does. Are you inclined to shop in an area that looks like South Central L.A. or one where it is clean? What about looking for a home, bringing guests through town. We have a huge image problem that is often proliferated on here. Yep. there are a lot of problems here. But who is out solving them. Yesterday was the Great American Clean Up. What did you do personally? Our group spruced up multiple areas in our neighborhood, then went over to a Rebuilding Together Project in our neighborhood where they are replacing wiring, plumbing, painting etc. a house of a low income resident. What a great project that is. It not going to be earth shattering to the area, but it damn well makes a difference to her. I turned in drug house infomation to the cops. I talked to a large group of problem youth, introducing myself by name and confronting some problem behavior and asking them to help out by showing some respect to the neighbors that they themselves would like to be shown. It was effective, if nothing else, for that moment in time.
    So I think I have pair buddy.

    Now, projects. Not sure to what you are referring?. Our neighborhood projects? We dont’ get city funding for those, we write grants, some private, some government. We seek donations and partnerships, so that is not costing the city funds. Other areas of town are swimming in tax dollars.

    I have, however, been questioning why Main St. is no farther along. $750,000 a year for 5 years was to be dedicated to that project. That money has been bled off and re-allocated to other areas, including the triangle project. Private investment dollars were chased off due to leadership personality conflicts, etc. That project should be much farther along or even near completion. The vision and drive for it has been essentially wiped out. Guess what, we are going to be losing businesses along there. We’ve talked with the owners. That project if completed would have generated tax dollars and sales tax dollars and also would go a long way to stablizing property values, perhaps even increasing them. Those dollars could have been reinvested into another part of town, such as the Triangle, to start the process anew. A kind of revolving fund, of sorts.
    Getting out of debt is not easy for the city. But also it is an ironic twist to home economics. In times of crises, it is a good time for government to be building some things. Infastructure is generally what is chosen and it WAS disappointing that fewer dollars were allocated by the national stimulus plan. Aaron was correct. More road projects anywhere in the county would benefit our economy here. Caterpillar sales would stabilize/increase staving off the layoffs.

    Short time solutions are not going to be pretty. for this area. We will either need to cut staff, services, or other. Quite frankly I can think of few if any departments which are not already understaffed. I would anticipate further service reduction. We have already seen reductions to police overtime. not promising in my neck of the woods. Solution, citizens will need to be more vigilant to what is going on around them and perhaps actually pick up the phone to report crime. Neighborhood watches and association will need to be more vigilant in helping each other out, by watching out for the houses around them. Note: not saying “we should strap on six shooters and go tromping through the neighborhoods”, but that we be good neighbors, turn on our outdoor lighting, get to know one another, get outside in the front yards. that deters crime.

    When we shop, we need to lump the extra sales tax and buy it here. puts money back into our economy.

    Other communities partner with businesses to get projects done. Groups will need to look for grant monies rather than nurse off the city taxes for projects. Those things will help out. We need to actively target investment and revitalization in areas of town such as the Eagle Tif area. Heavy industry that pays good wages. These are not short term solutions, I realize, but the economy didn’t go belly up over night. We’re going to have to tighten up our belts for the next couple of years and learn to do some things for ourselves. What are you doing to help?

    Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go out and empty the neighborhoods garbage cans.

  2. wow… Paul, if I were parroting the status quo, the “I love Peoria, it’s better here” mantra of the brainless, heartless and senseless, I wouldn’t have any problem putting my name to my posts either… I risk my life, my job my family by identifying myself as a critic. I bet you would love to see me fired and jobless… wouldn’t you?

  3. emtronics… still making harrassing phone calls? Must be nice living off that government pension.

    “Hey nobody knows more about anything than kcdad. Just ask him. He lives on Moss, works in TV, does economics for the Treasury Department, on the Board at Bradley, and in his free time free lances as a brain surgeon.”

    Not on Moss, Kellogg.
    USED to work at NBC Burbank, not anymore.
    Never at the Treasury dept, although I did work for the Census (COMMERCE DEPT) in 2000.
    NO, not on the Board, was admitted as a grad student at Bradley, but never attended… too expensive.
    I did play Operation many years ago, but, no, I do not moonlight as a neurosurgeon.. I have performed a virtual appendectomy and a c- section…. THAT was pretty cool.

  4. no, I would encourage you to stand up for that which you believe, it also would put a better face on your comments as you actually have to stand behind them. I have no problems with critcism. Have met with many of the powers that be regarding problems in the city, state, and country. Difference is, instead of just griping I will suggest some type of plan of action (feasible) as a solution..then offer and/or begin to work on it.

    eg: funding for the regional neighborhood network conference is about out. We could beg for tax dollars which aren’t there. instead I invited a group of people to form a committee to develop a short term and long term funding plan with private dollars. We are working on that now. feel free to stop by help out. the first goal is a fundraiser this summer.

    why would I love to see you fired and jobless? I don’t know who you are..so that is an irrational assumption based on your own internal dialogue.

  5. Diane,
    You are silly.

    I applaud your community spirit. I am proud of my community/charity work. Unlike you, I am not running for ‘Man of the Year,’ so I will spare everyone the long list of my ‘services rendered.’

    We addressed the issue of anonymous posting some time ago. I am more than happy that people like you and Diane are [secure] enough to sign your name to everything. You two REALLY know how to run the political gauntlet!

    Of course you [and Diane] support Schock. I will say this…building roads…what a novel idea!!!!! Schock is a hypocrite [like most every other politician]. Where will the money come from for all of these ‘job manufacturing’ improvements? I hope not from Obama’s stimulus plan ‘funds’. We all know how Aaron feels about that……. As a matter of fact, I hope Schock turns down all of that lovely green earmark money. As his supporters keep telling us, he is a [man] of principle, etc.

    You “invited a group of people to form a committee to develop a short term and long term funding plan with private dollars.”

    Private dollars? I hope you are not counting on all of the “private dollars” marked for the new museum. I don’t suppose you would care to tell us who exactly is on your ‘little’ committee?

    Please don’t play us all for rubes. When the CFRS group was formed, did the PRM group offer to work with them; include them in the museum developing process, suggest that in the future, they might pool their ideas and work together? NO. It is easy for you to talk a big talk from your side of the fence. I almost forgot the Heart of Peoria Plan, etc.

    You and Diane keep prodding people to disclose their true identities, as if remaining anon invalidates our comments. Please. The day that people like you and Diane stand against the Peoria ‘political’ status quo and their ridiculous agendas, will be the day I post using my real name………..

  6. What is my side of the fence? If you want to know who is on my “little committee” then please show up to the next meeting…it’s not a top secret group. I invited those who worked on the fundraising project last time, council members, city staff, neighborhood leaders, and some of those with connections to businesses. Calling it a “little group” invokes bitterness for a project that benefits the city overall. If you don’t think I haven’t stood up to things that I believe are not good for the city then you are vastly ill informed. I also believe you have done little research on my stance of the museum and the process it took, the questions I asked and the cost politically that it does to question some things. As far as agendas, if you’re not part of the process you have absolutely no influence. You lose credibility, because you chose to be insulting, demeaning, and condescending–“man of the year” contest. I do what I do because I want to, I don’t think you appreciate the amount of work that many neighborhood leaders do just get some of the smallest things done. It’s not a paid position. Any rewards are few and far between. I am but a newbee among many of these people. It’s discouraging that so many gripe, but few are willing to do the work. If you have ideas, bring them to the table, do the work to convince the powers that be that you have solutions to issues and then work to get them accomplished. If not then continue being angry, bitter, resentful. Bottom line is this, if all you do is bitch about things, people stop listening….Hey, it’s your life.

  7. Sure thing Paul. You are ANYTHING but condescending. The comments you [and others] directed towards KCDAD were what…? You have made it perfectly clear, you are a community advocate. That is a good thing. I guess you will just have to trust me when I tell you I have been involved in 4-H with my children and community for years, I volunteered as a tutor for the ‘better reading program’ at my sons’ school, I volunteered for a community sandbagging project [floods don’t you know]…..

    Yes Paul, my list goes on, just like yours. I wouldn’t be this passionate about these issues if I sat back and let the world go by….. I am sure, like so many, I have run into political, social, etc, roadblocks. This museum is just one more ‘project’ that got way out of control. I doubt that you did anything to hurt YOUR ‘standing’ in the community where the museum is concerned. However, as usual you [and so many like you] fail to address any of the real questions where the museum, city-budget, Dist 150, is concerned. You tap dance.

    So, did the PRM group offer to work with them [CFRS]; include them in the museum developing process, suggest that in the future, they might pool their ideas and work together? Is it possible that you just answer the question without pointing out all of my supposed flaws?

    You obviously adore Schock. Fine, we all have our picks. Where do YOU think Schock is going to get the funding to “build roads?” I appreciate the hard work many community leaders do, I would wager more than you do.

  8. Kohlrobi,
    Citizens For Responsible Spending

    I forgot my P.S. Before you lose control again………….

    Go back to the first post of this thread. I have no great love for KCDAD, he is a Communist who won’t admit it. He can come across a little ruff, but why sugar-coat everything? So he is a little hard hitting.

    I didn’t care for Taylor’s, McKeown’s, Diane’s comments, so I shot back.

    CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG, but weren’t YOU the one who first brought up “balls” or a lack thereof?

    Now. Go drink your herbal tea and answer my previous questions.

  9. CFRS didn’t exist when the museum group started. I know I posted my ideas about the project back when Ransburg was mayor. I believe as documented in many places that the museum folks and Karrie’s group have not worked together. I would suggest you talk with the group to find out who got them a spot at a public forum and opened the door for subsequent forums for all voices to be heard. There are a number of folks who have worked longer and hard than I have. I have no doubt, many are my friends and mentors. It’s not about hurting community standing with opinions, it about giving your views in a manner that other’s will listen.

    Yes, I support Aaron, something he has earned, through direct observation and interaction. If you don’t then don’t. No I don’t always agree with what our elected officials do and they will know it when I don’t, but again, I say that offering realistic plans or directions for things are much more well received based on the presentation.

    Regarding building roads, Aaron advocated for a greater percentage of “stimulus” monies to go for construction processes vs. some current ways the money is being doled out, not additional funding..perhaps I was unclear? Also a reason to be on the transportation subcommittee. Those types of projects benefit this district and our local economy specifically. You did answer what you meant by “my side of the fence”. Not sure what fence you’re referring?

    You ask what I do to resolve various issues. I meet with officials. We share observations and ideas, they take notes, I take notes, sometimes thoughts are feasible, sometimes not after getting additional information. Some things I don’t tackle. Either don’t have the time, interest, or simply beyond my scope…. I apologize if you don’t think I work hard enough for whatever it feels that you think I should be doing.

  10. Paul,
    You do just fine. Like I said, I was just firing back.
    City govt, Dist 150, etc, just seems to have a bad habit of ignoring the public. That is a pretty broad statement, but I believe it fits.

    Your side of the fence……………….?

    When Diane and you issued ‘the call’ for all anon bloggers [or just kcdad], to come out and i.d. themselves, I thought “I’ll be damned!” We have gone on about this before. Diane has complained about anon bloggers in the past, as if being anon invalidates our opinions, etc. If you, Diane and company are secure enough politically, in your job, business or whatever, it is easy to [assume?] that you are in the little [Peoria] circle…….. I know that sounds petty, but I don’t have time to explain it further. You don’t think we remain anon because we love to sit around making up ridiculous blogger names.?.?

    ” It’s not about hurting community standing with opinions, it about giving your views in a manner that other’s will listen. ”

    I agree. The sales tax is a done deal. No need to go on. The museum group along with Peoria City and Peoria County did not solicite or listen to any outside advise, ideas, etc, with the exception of several over-priced consulting firms [well I guess if you count the vote]. Fine, 99.9% of the people had no idea what they were really voting for anyway!

    What do you think public opinion is concerning the way Peoria/District 150 is running the show? Have enough parents gotten upset over the latest rounds of school closings, money problems, teacher layoffs, etc?

    Anyway…….I am going to go drink my herbal tea.

  11. I will admit that I most likely have connections that the general public don’t have, but they weren’t given to me. I went out and earned and/or sought them. Also my job gives me a broad range of connections in a variety of fields. Add to that extracirricular actitivies have earned some other connections. I have always been a resource guy, it goes with the profession where you have to create services and correct problems for people with essentially no money. Made doing some of the neighborhood stuff easier as I have never been deterred because there wasn’t a pot of money waiting to be spent. We simply find a need, design a solution then go find the resources.

    RE: District 150. this a battle I have not engaged since the school in the park where as president of the Alliance at the time, we voted upon suggestions which we submitted to the school District in writing.

    I will, however, get caught up to speed tomorrow and will be able to have a couple of discussions over the weekend. So I defer my opinion from a lack of information.

    Most people are not well educated regarding any votes.

    I love herbal tea….keeps my teeth white..lol….

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