66 thoughts on “Schock and Colbert”

  1. My only question is, did he not know what he was getting himself into? Because that is what it came across as. I would think by this point in time he should know who Stephen Colbert is.

  2. I remember reading a couple of years ago the freshmen Dems were strongly advised not to do the show by Rahm Emanuel. I guess the Repubs weren’t given that advice. FYI Schock they are laughing at you, not with you.

  3. Your full of sh** bean counter. He was awesome. He’s not stupid. He knew exactly what he was doing.

  4. Part of the shtick that Colbert employs is obviously to embarrass the Congress person in some fashion. Schock handled it better than some past Congress persons. But still… he had to know what he was getting into. Colbert appeals most greatly to the age demographic that Schock comes from as opposed to some of the others who barely knew who Colbert was. If he didn’t then well Schock has much bigger problems.

    Its all fun. It will probably help Schock in his youth appeal.

  5. Tulip,
    Its called acting, i’m with Diane on this one , he was awesome and i laughed my fat ass off. He has given us a reason to smile . We have had some very poor role models . I will always support him..

  6. Excuse me, I’m full of shit? That was really dignified, not at all a personal attack. Listen to the video, the audience is laughing the entire time. Google “Rahm Emanuel Colbert;” they were warned. Every politician who what been part of the Better Know A District has looked ridiculous. That is Colbert’s job; he is very good at his job. There was no way Schock was going to beat him at his own game. Schock should have known that.

  7. Mamma and Diane, you’re both nuts. If he was acting than why not be humorous instead of stumbling over serious answers like he did. There have been other Reps that came prepared, one even “leg wrestled” with Colbert.

  8. BC – Sorry I snapped. You are so wrong too. Aaron did great… His comedic timing and facial expressions were dead on. And by the way, how many other people do you know that merit the Colbert Report?

  9. His facial expressions show he was stupefied not dead on… You are really drinking the kool-aid Diane.

  10. I’m not a Schock fan, but I have to agree with Diane. He knew what he was doing, the entire interview was edited together to make him look more naive than he is. And you can’t chalk this up to a freshmen mistake, Colbert often has veteran politicians and community leaders on his show…..ideally the game is to come on his show and beat him at his own game. If you win, great, if you draw, that’s a win too. I would say, all in all, Schock’s interview was a draw. Colbert got a couple good jabs in, but Schock got a few good points in as well.

  11. How could Schock not know what the “Fightin’ 18th” was??? Has he never heard of the Fightin’ Illini? Is he from Illinois or what? Diane, next time you see him, tell him to get rid of the purple ties… it only exasperates what Colbert was getting at.

    The reason Schock did it? Advertising… it was free advertising. Though, I do believe it was probably cut to make Schock look like a fool…. it succeeded in more ways than one.

    And apparently Schock does support the stimulus… that part was great! And fetus’s with guns…. Colbert is a genius. I will not forgive Schock for voting NO on women getting equal pay. Someone in his position should know better. Where is Betty Friedan when you need her!!!

  12. I’m still shaking my head and saying, “Oy Vey!” The kid rubs me the wrong way, but then I am a woman, so…..

  13. The whole thing is an edited fantasy of Colbert. If any of you think that the questions and answers were shown to you sequentially, you do not know TV. The whole thing was scripted and shot to appear as it did… Schock was not set up surprised or unaware of anything he was going to be asked.

    It is TV for pete’s sake… it was a not a real interview.

  14. “how many other people do you know that merit the Colbert Report?”


    Colbert has a standing invitation to all Congresspersons to participate in the Better Know a District. Most wisely stay away. It would seem to me Schock has decided to milk his new found fame for all he can. The only thing special here is that Schock accepted.

  15. @kcdad – the interviews are highly edited and Colbert obviously prepares some questions beforehand but other than that they are not scripted. Don’t watch Colbert much, I’m guessing?

  16. As a frequent Colbert watcher, I feel I am an expert on the “Better Know a District” bit. Most of the folks come off foolish. Some really get into it and have a good time (check out the clip of the guy donning a fake mustache and proclaiming his love of cocaine). The key is to have fun and not take it serious. But wouldn’t you at least watch what your predecessor had done? The first question is always, “Tell me about the fightin’ ______.” Schock looked particularly dumb there. Otherwise, I thought he did OK.

    As for Diane, if Aaron stomped on a puppy, she’d say he was doing so to protect a Kindergartner from a rabid dog.

  17. The interviews are done with ONE camera. The takes are long and often the interviewee isn’t considering or pondering a question at all, just sitting there waiting…

    You are old enough to realize this is a SHOW, not a news program. Colbert is anything but a journalist.

    I can’t believe you really think … oh never mind. There is no point in destroying your ignorance and illusions.

  18. Ummm…It’s COMEDY CENTRAL. It was supposed to be tongue in cheek….geez. Mankho. So Aaron was on the show. Many politicians have done SNL. It’s nice for people to see them in a different light. Aaron works hard, his schedule is unbelievable. early mornings and late nights. We get it. you don’t like him, but then what time have you spent with him?

  19. Sud – that was all part of the act. You really think Aaron didn’t know what Colbert meant when he was asked about the 18th? In that snippet, Aaron played the strawman for Colbert to deliver the joke following.

    I think they even edited reactions from one question to another question. It is comedy – and the sketch was hilarious. It’s all what you want it to be.

  20. How embarrassing. But I’m sure Diane is correct, after all, she and Aaron are on a first name basis and all. He looked like an idiot and the purple tie reminded me of Tinky Winky…the gay Tellitubbie.

  21. @kcdad – no, you’re wrong. here’s a transcript from an interview with a Colbert staffer:

    “The interviews themselves aren’t scripted. Because Stephen’s in character and it’s good for him to go in with a list of questions his character might ask, the writers always work on questions both for the in-studio guests and the congressional interviews. So he goes in there equipped with questions, sometimes he has props, but the strengths of those interviews are usually his ad-libs. He is extremely quick-witted. Those are the genuine reactions of the people he’s interviewing and genuine ad-libs. Often the funniest things are his responses to their responses. I think those are some of the funniest things we do and it’s because it’s almost impossible to make Stephen break character.

    Although he gets prepped and gets plenty of questions and the jokes in the questions are pre-written, it’s a real interview. It’s the same way you would be prepped to interview anybody, except the questions are usually ridiculous.”

    you probably believe that they faked the moon landing too, right?

  22. Aaron Shock knew exactly what he was doing. As an avid watcher of Steve Colbert, myself, it was Steve who looked a bit blushed.

    Just to refress your memory, Aaron Shock has already earned merit since he was a very young and very proficient and gifted student in Peoria, Illinois until present day as congressman in Washington, DC..

  23. Taylor: you are not serious… and do you think Jerry Springer is unscripted, too? A staffer… that is VERRRRRRRY credible (that means believable)

    You think 60 minutes shoots their interviews without reshooting reaction shots?

    No wonder our society is so wacked… you think TV is real.

  24. @kcdad obviously the interview is edited with b-roll etc. and your attempts to “school” me on this are pathetic. I majored in Mass Comm (actually interned at WHOI for a bit) and now I work for Viacom (that is the parent company that owns Comedy Central if you didn’t know). So forgive me if I think I know a little more about TV than you. I know for a fact the interviews on the Report aren’t scripted, but whatever, you’re the expert (that was sarcasm).

  25. Yeah yeah… Colbert ad libbed that fighting 18th line… 400 times

    … and Aaron is an idiot… that’s why he is where he is today.

    102 E Washington St
    East Peoria, IL 61611

    you sell video games???

  26. Maybe, Aaron Shock is better off and more appreciated for all his abilities and capabilities as a Congressman in Washington, DC. Unfortunately, his superior perfomance and intellect is NOT a reflection of all who grew up in Peoria, Ill..Sadly….! Otherwise, the people posting negative comments would all realize how they have the head in the sand and “they” are the “deer in the headlights” and not he. In addition, other states do not bother using district numbers since it is outdated. In current terms, other states use regional names not numbers.

    Ignorance is not always a blissful interpretation or situation.

  27. Hey nobody knows more about anything than kcdad. Just ask him. He lives on Moss, works in TV, does economics for the Treasury Department, on the Board at Bradley, and in his free time free lances as a brain surgeon.

  28. yet doesn’t have the balls to use his real name….humm yet another couch chair griper who has nothing significant to contribute to the community…and no your venom is not a contribution.

  29. @kcdad haha. you might make more sense if you’ve actually watched the show. If you really want to know what was written / faked on tv just look at the writer’s strike. A lot of reality shows that were made to look real stopped production (the hills, anyone?) but Colbert Report ran pretty much unchanged, including interview segments.

    Also the address you’re looking for is more like this:
    1515 Broadway # 8th
    New York, NY 10036

    nice try though…

  30. Right, Taylor. That is why you are on a Peoria blog.

    I don’t use my “real name” because… none of your damn business.

    Oh, and was I wrong about anon e mouse? no.Was I wrong about the law firm suing BAV? no. Was I wrong about 150 going into the real estate business? no. Was I wrong about Hinton leaving? no. Am I right about the museum, the Historical Society and Lakeview… time will tell, but the answer is yes.
    You boys don’t like me because you can’t figure me out. I insult your little boy baseball games and hero worship, I insult your fantastic economic system, I insult your outstanding school system…and I am right in every aspect…

    You keep waving your American flag and singing I want to be in Peoria… Be prepared to wave good bye to Big Yellow in about 5 years. (By then there will be only two hospitals here.)

  31. Hey everybody — I’ve been doing some private investigating. Haven’t found out kcdad’s true identity yet, but I’ve gotten closer. Here’s a picture of him that should help me narrow things down:

  32. Oh Gawd, I watched both of those! I am in schock and awe of anyone who has the guts to face Colbert. All of these guys deserve credit. It is definately not for the weak!

  33. I kept looking for the elephant in the room but didn’t see it-came close once when Colbert popped the question. Oh well, Diane doesn’t care anyway.

  34. “…his superior performance and intellect…?”

    I hate to say this, but between sending Schock to Congress, and voting in an idiotic tax increase, which will NOT actually get our city out of debt or accomplish anything substantial…. yeah, I would have to say Peoria is rapidly beginning to mutate.

    Really though McKeown… were you busy kissing or wiping Schock’s ass when “he was a very young and very proficient and gifted student in Peoria, Illinois?”

    How about giving YOURSELF a break.
    # Tayloron 17 Apr 2009

    “…the interviews are highly edited and Colbert obviously prepares some questions before hand but other than that they are not scripted…?”

    [Liz] Taylor, are you jerking your own chain again?!? You tell us Colbert’s shows are “HIGHLY EDITED” and that some of the questions are prepared before hand…? What the hell?!? That sounds pretty scripted to me! Well……..seeing as you majored in Mass Comm and all…………………………..


    Paul Wilkinson talking about “balls” again. Wishful thinking Paul?

  35. C.J. thanks… now I just had to shave so no one will recognize me… I miss my beard already. Can I keep the hat?

    prairiecelt.. it’s dad… not dat… d-a-d sheesh…

    … nobody gets me.

  36. New voice,
    pray tell of what would I be wishing? and “again”

    Here’s something creative..instead of conjecture, arguing etc. simply ask Aaron. He enjoyed the show, it was simply for fun…
    feel free to save some jet fuel and land the black helicopters…..

  37. Paul, Paul, Paul?

    Simply ask Aaron? I am sure we will ‘simply’ get an honest answer.

    Since you were referring to KCDAD’s lack of “balls…”
    I thought maybe, you know, you were hoping to grow a pair of your own someday.

    I read people like you, Taylor and McKeown, and I think…what a bunch of pompous asses. You people really have nothing to contribute to any of these ‘conversations’, but a bunch of half-baked comments you probably pilfered from “The Economist” magazine… You glorify your ‘boys’ and your ‘projects’ to the point of absurdity, and wonder why people think your full of sh_t!

    Why don’t YOU figure out a way to get Peoria out of debt, without raising another idiotic [sales] tax. Maybe we will put A. Schock on the case.

  38. Why do you people keep avoiding the question? If it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, but it get it out front!

  39. New Voice – Who died and made you the ultimate authority on the qualitative value of all comments? Does CJ know about this?

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