Schock fundraising cost keeps rising

The original city council agenda reported that President Bush’s visit to Peoria to raise funds for congressional candidate Aaron Schock cost taxpayers $13,195.63. That included police overtime and some miscellaneous expenses.

At last night’s council meeting, we learned that the tab is now $38,252. Adding to the cost are public works costs ($11,538 for 30 public works trucks used “for security purposes”) and fire department manpower ($3,218). I’ll try to get a copy of all the costs and post it.

But we may not be done tabulating the costs. Even the $38,000 figure doesn’t include the hours that police, public works, and other departments spent planning for the event. All this money comes out of Peoria taxpayers’ pockets.

One more thing — it violates city code:

Sec. 2-335(c). Employees shall not use city stationery, office equipment or other city resources for personal or political purposes.

Sec. 2-336. Prohibited political activities.

(a) City employees shall not intentionally perform any prohibited political activity during any compensated time (other than vacation, personal, or compensatory time off). City employees shall not intentionally misappropriate any city property or resources by engaging in any prohibited political activity for the benefit of any campaign for elective office or any political organization.

(b) At no time shall any executive or legislative branch constitutional officer or any official, director, supervisor, or city employee intentionally misappropriate the services of any city employee by requiring that city employee to perform any prohibited political activity (i) as part of that employee’s city duties, (ii) as a condition of city employment, or (iii) during any time off that is compensated by the city (such as vacation, personal, or compensatory time off).

Sec. 2-337. Prohibited political activity defined.

Prohibited political activity means:
(1) Preparing for, organizing, or participating in any political meeting, political rally, political demonstration or other political event.

I don’t know how the codes could be any clearer. A July 24, 2008, Journal Star article states that Schock’s fundraising event was “purely political,” which is the reason why Schock’s campaign had to pay back “costs associated with flying into Peoria on Air Force One and all costs for food, flowers and rentals at the Weaver Farm event.”

So let’s recap — the fundraising event was undeniably political in nature. The preparation, organization, and execution of city services for such a political event is prohibited according to city codes. However, the city has provided those services anyway (in violation of its own code) at a cost of $38,000+ without even asking the Schock campaign to reimburse the taxpayers.

Meanwhile, the Schock campaign isn’t offering to reimburse the taxpayers either. Is this an example of the kind of “service” a Congressman Schock will be providing to his district? Sticking local taxpayers with the bill for an event that personally benefits him, even as he reimburses the federal government for the same event?

A motion to bill Schock’s campaign for these costs was deferred until the next council meeting. Voting against the deferral: Councilmen Eric Turner, Patrick Nichting and Jim Montelongo.

92 thoughts on “Schock fundraising cost keeps rising”

  1. Here are the differences between the Obama/Koehler event and the Bush/Schock event:

    1. Anyone could walk up to the Obama/Schock event. It was, therefore, public.

    2. No one had to pay any money to any political campaign to hear Obama or Koehler.

    Nevertheless, I’m fairly neutral on the issue of re-imbursement. Certainly the Aaron Schock campaign can afford the re-imbursement. Anything beyond ordinary law-enforcement costs should be reimbursed, I think. The trick is deciding what’s ordinary and I’m not sure I want local politicians picking and chosing what the standard is.

    I also don’t want to stifle activity by less-well off politicians because they might get hit with the cost of police presence at their events.

  2. So much for impartiality in Journalism. It used to be they denied it. Now they flaunt it in your face.

  3. city street.. meet diane vespa. You will make a happy couple.

    Perhaps David P Jordan and 11 bravo could be invited to the event.

    I think you seem to think that the Republican’s need these “wave the flag” and “shout the creed” kinds of support.

    Oh! Diane… great scare tactic… right out of the Washington playbook.:::::::
    “Imagine for a moment these headlines:
    “1,500 Peorians dead as a result of concerns over city ordinance violations””

    How about this headline:
    Oh, By the Way, The President was Here and visited with several very wealthy and politically powerful local people. He says he cares for all the poor people.

  4. What should I do to treat a subdural hematoma? Answer – call a doctor. What should we do when we think that maybe the city should be reimbursed for security for a visit by the president of the United States? Call a lawyer? Nah, lets just “self diagnosis” this legal issue for three days on the internet.

  5. dd,
    I would say that $38,000 plus is worth three days on the net…especially if it is ‘my’ money. I do see your point though…

  6. Okay Folks, I called Sen Koehler about his event 2 years ago. The event was requested and coordinated through Peoria County, NOT the City of Peoria because the event was on Peoria County Courthouse grounds. NO police security was provided by City of Peoria, No police escort by City of Peoria, No 25-30 tandem trucks provided by anyone, No Fire Department personnel and equiptment standing in reserve. The only expense that eventually would have been inccurred by the City of Peoria was the eventual closing of Main Street for approximately one hour do to the size of the crowd that developed for the open free event. The closing of the street was a contingency based on the size of the crowd and was coordinated thru Peoria County.

    Sen Koehler ended by stating that he would pay for the time that Public Works put up and removed the street closure…………… even at this late time if he received an invoice for that street closure. So Aaron, Steve, and Mrs Vespa and all the others just how comparible are the two? Why don’t all of you start suggesting to Peoria COunty that they need to recoup expenses. If I remember the number, the County cost for the Schock FUNDRAISER was around $1,300, while the City” just for police services around $25,000. Most of the route was NOT in Peoria yet our costs were 20 times the Counties. Why??? Because the City always picks up the bulk of costs that the region benefits from. We have the bomb squad,v the Tech Teams etc. Is that wrong?, Heck yes and I re-peatedly bring those to the City Councils attention as I did last Tuesday with the REGIONAL 6 county Work Force Development program and the drain that FEDERAL program puts on the City of Peoria Budget because it is ONLY the City of Peoria that provides for all support costs and court settlements incurred by the Work Force Development Program.

    The only thing political in this back and forth is the republican campaign.

    I am the only Council member who has endorsed over party lines in major races this year. I support Darren Lahood when I would never consider voting for his father or the current republican candidate for the 18th because of their values and principles and “puppet status” while at the same time I support Barack Obama and Jehan Gordan.

    I am UNPOLITICAL as one can get.

  7. Two Days Mrs. Vespa, NOT two years. Your Council or County rep had the two years (I received notification two days ago) cuz somehow I doubt if you live in the Second District when I was District Councilperson and somehow, maybe incorrectly, I have lumped you into the pay to play group that donates money to other candidates and works for their election/re-election.

  8. Interesting link to the Obama/Springfield event that beancounter submitted above. Looks like the Obama campaign might be coughing up around $60K. Doesn’t sound too bad when you figure that the $60K went towards hosting 35,000 people (compared to 1,500 at the Schock event), STATE HISTORIC SITE RENTAL for 35,000 people, (the Schock event was held on private property), and presumably would have had similar Secret Service requirements. So tell me, Mr. Sandburg, would you consider the city of Peoria just terribly inefficient, or are you just trying to sock it to the Schock campaign as best you can?

  9. Diane,
    Since I do not know you well, I have to ask, what are you attempting to gain through this public diatribe? Whose side are you on- the greater good’s or the side of a self serving politician?

    Gary Sandburg has a valid point about the at best impropriety, or worse, yet to be determined illegality of Peoria tax payers footing the bill for a portion of a fund raiser that benefited only the Schock campaign. I am glad CJ has brought the conversation to the forefront.

    From the tone of your responses to Gary I presume you would not want to fund any expense associated with his campaign- and you should not be expected to do so. The mere fact that the federal government has determined that Schock must pay for the expense of the President arriving by Air force One is evidence that the event is extra-ordinary and should not be expensed on the backs of the tax payer.

    Your manners elude me…

  10. Mrs. Vuspa,

    Difference could be the cost of using 25-30 trucks for Security gaunlet which was about 1/3 the costs to City of Peoria. To me, that does suggest that the City IS NOT efficent in providing tandem trucks side by side for a security wall. It also says more about all the advance planning from the republican camp that couldn’t plan enough in advance to rent “concrete barriers” like are used in traffic situations from the private sector and NOT TO EXPECT GOVERNMENT to solve every problem because they plan poorly.

    Additionally, Maybe Springfield provided all the costs associated with the event whereas there were apparently State IDOT trucks, and other units of government subsidising your FUNDRAISING SOIREE PARTY.

    Or maybe the numbers just mean that the Democrats are more cost effective with their money knowing that they aren’t expecting the local jurisdiction to foot the bill. Somehow spending other people’s money is much more easy than spending ones own money. Something that used to be associated with the republican party and NOT the Democratic party, but sadly not now.

    BTW, My name has a “e” not a “u”, just like yours. I don’t appreciate those who substitute a “u” for the proper “e” because I somehow feel they are confusing Ransburg with Sandberg and I have to draw the line somewhere. It was very easy for him to spend other peoples money in a fashion he would never spend his own.

  11. George, what is in it for anyone to debate an issue? Ask that question of yourself or any other poster that posts on any issue on any blog or otherwise. Not sure what your point is there. If you are getting frustrated with the topic, you might want to familiarize yourself with the on/off switch on your computer. Finally, if “bad manners” to you is disagreeing with another poster, then I’m guilty. I can live with that.

  12. Diane,
    Gary has made the point that the public has been charged for an expense that was not for the sole benefit of the public.

    If you can show that paying for the security and for logistic expense for a private “invitation only” party is solely for the public good- then possibly you have grounds for a debate.

    Plain and simple the purpose of George W. Bush’s visit was for Aaron’s fund raising efforts- nothing more and nothing less. It was a private event and all expenses should be covered by the proceeds.

  13. George has got a good point, but I don’t think he went far enough. The bigger issue is just how much Diane and others who agree with her are willing to let the government finance political fundraisers? I think Councilman Sandberg has gone above and beyond with regards to being balanced to your counter regarding the Obama event two years ago.

    I think some Schock supporters, like Diane, suffer from the same dementia that a lot of Obama supporters do. They think their candidate can do no wrong and are completely dumbfounded when others don’t believe the same.

    Schock should pay. When he spoke to the PJSTAR he said that this whole situation was political. He’s damn right it is, because the event in question was a private political fundraiser that was publicly subsidized. The lines drawn on this debate aren’t Republican vs Democrat they are political corruption vs the public good.

    If you think Schock left central Illinois with the tab this time wait till Shearer gives him his marching orders when he gets to DC. He won’t be satisfied until he’s the next Karl Rove and his protege is president regardless of who gets walked all over.

  14. Diane- P. S.
    I am a Republican and I chose not to attend the Bush fundraiser because I think Aaron is too inexperienced. Good grief- he has never held a job where he has had to answer to a boss. He has never had to meet a payrole. He has limited and I mean limited life experience.

    Check out his background and ask some questions. His resume is weak, but the party leadership was desperate- so now we will have Aaron in D.C. – give me a break.

    Shame on Ray LaHood and Mary Alice Erickson.

  15. Diane, I’m surprised you haven’t thought of it in these terms:

    For 38 grand you could have had the nicest paved street in the city, instead of that gravel/tar mixture you were railing on about.

    After all, you pay your share of property taxes and fair is fair…….

  16. George,

    You can’t blame Mary Alice for this, she didn’t support Schock in the primary and she felt it wasn’t her place to use her position to influence voters to support one candidate or the other. Mary Alice should be respected by those in the local republican party, she has much more character and tact then the woman who replaced her and then became the national committeewoman for Illinois.

    As for LaHood, he may have been able to stop the Schock train, but I am not convinced it would have been easy. And this is where I will have to disagree with Peoria Guy. I don’t think Diane is out of her intellectual league, I do think that she has let her emotions cloud her rational judgment regarding Darth Schock. The evil Lord Darth Shearer has done a pretty good job at making his young apprentice the heir apparent without having to discuss his (lack of) qualifications and his meteoric rise from silver spoon fed adolescent to professional politician.

  17. Kcdad, how did I get dragged into that? We usually agree on Schock arguments, including this one, even though I am a republican.

  18. Barack Obama, Dick Durbin, Dave Koehler, George Shadid,Rod B……., Sharon Kennedy, Don Saltsman, Al Gore, John Kerry, Hilary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Mayor Ardis, Jehan Gordon, Alan Mayer,Emil Jones, Mike Madigan,….

    All have not met a payroll prior to elective office.
    5,235,866 is the number of employees in private non farm firms for state of Illinois in 2000 Census. Maybe we should ask them to run for office and exclude all others according to comments in previous posts.
    There are also 318,927 private nonfarm firms in Illinois so that corresponds to 318,927 owner who have made a payroll maybe we should exclude all others based on the same reasoning as above But the employers are the ones who employ the 5,235,866 in Illinois. What should we do. Only allow business owners to run for office I sure that would go over like a lead balloon. Or maybe only allow non business owners( workers who pick up a check every week )run for office – same enthusiasm I fear. Or we could just go by the State Constitution and statutes, what a novel idea. All you sole proprietors out there who employ only yourself and no other person can maybe slid in and be considered an option to the election law (Entrepeneurs only need apply for office)
    (10 ILCS 5/7?1) (from Ch. 46, par. 7?1)
    Sec. 7?1. Application of Article.
    (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Article, the nomination of all candidates for all elective State, congressional, judicial, and county officers, State’s Attorneys (whether elected from a single county or from more than one county), city, village, and incorporated town and municipal officers, trustees of sanitary districts, township officers in townships of over 5,000 population coextensive with or included wholly within cities or villages not under the commission form of government, precinct, township, ward, and State central committeemen, and delegates and alternate delegates to national nominating conventions by all political parties, as defined in Section 7?2 of this Article 7, shall be made in the manner provided in this Article 7 and not otherwise. The nomination of candidates for electors of President and Vice President of the United States shall be made only in the manner provided for in Section 7?9 of this Article.

  19. PC, that was just plain stupid because your research was misplaced. As much as it pains me to stand up for most of those people, some of those on your list actually have had to meet payrolls when they manged businesses and non-profit agencies. I am speaking of Obama, Koehler, Shadid, and probably a couple others I won’t take the time to verify. I think the point is Schock hasn’t had a real job.

  20. George hit the Republican on the head, “…Aaron is too inexperienced…,” “limited life experience…”

    Of course when you get down to it, Callahan is just as inexperienced. We have our choices; Thing One and/or Thing Two [and somebody else I think…?]. The few people who defend Schock here seem to know him personally. They vouch for his ‘character,’ as it is. In my own humble opinion ‘character’ is the one thing Schock sorely lacks.

    All of the candidates prepare campaign strategies, develop political platforms, address the issues, etc. Politics aside, the ‘outward appearance’ of a candidate influences the vote as much as [if not more] than his or her politics. In a case such as 18th Dist., where neither candidate can claim the ‘experience’ advantage, I would think that the ‘perceived’ character of the individual candidates would play a more important role. This is one reason I will vote Callahan. I trust her [as much as I can trust any politician]. I honestly believe she will go to Washington with our best interests in tow.

    If anything, Aaron has established himself as the quintessential Republican wind bag. The poorly written and poorly delivered RNC speech, the poorly fitting suits, the now famous ‘Bend-over-Peoria’ Scandal… What next? Aaron Schock’s inexperience coupled with, as George put it, his “limited life experience,” is beginning to show more and more.

    The Republican Party may be building THEIR future around Schock, but they are going to do it at the expense of OUR future.

  21. hey bravo, have you had a business where you had to meet a payroll? I didn’t know driving a delivery truck was business management. Shoulda run for US Senate anyway.

    11Bravo for US Senate…I had a real job.

  22. Yeah 22, I suppose without possessing a good argument some would resort to personal attacks like you. And sorry I have never driven a delivery truck. And no I haven’t had to meet a payroll, I also didn’t make the argument I just pointed out some incorrect information that PC put out. I did however say that Schock has never had a real job, guess you agree with that since you didn’t refute it.

  23. It’s my understanding that Schock worked on a farm, in sales, and at a gravel pit before becoming a real estate entrepreneur. Seems pretty American and admirable.

    For those chastising Diane, it likewise would have been more becoming and dignified of Sandberg to walk away before the last couple of playground posts

  24. Real Estate entrepreneur? Owning a few houses in the Bradley area and selling them because you have been told (privately) that Bradley will be buying up the land is not entrepreneurship. He took advantage of a situation – good for him. Yes, I would say he is an “opportunist”- I’ll give him that.

    Any job he has had wasn’t working to support a family. He was working for movie money or a new pair of jeans-hardly what I would call the real deal. He had his parents supporting him and when Aaron was on the school board he said he owned a business- but my understanding is it was actually “owned” by a local home builder.

    Once Aaron ran for office and beat Ricca Sloan- he was on the government gravy train where he will remain until who knows. We in down state Illinois just do not expect much.

    Regarding my comments about Mary Alice and Ray- those are their words not mine. They both told me that they, and the local Republican Party, failed to groom someone to follow in Ray’s foot steps. I think that is why Aaron didn’t get their initial support. Aaron’s candidacy revealed the Republicans had no one in the 35-45 year old age bracket ready and waiting to go. Aaron’s and Steve’s boldness caught them both off guard. They recognized they were reaping what they had sowed.

    For further evidence the Republican Party is adrift think back to Aaron’s announcement that he would be running for Congress. Cindy Ardis Jenkins said she would be running for his state seat. Come on…are you kidding me.. Her candidacy was as disingenuous as they come. I listened to her being interviewed on the radio and she sounded like a lost soul. She was a place holder, a warm body.

    And now we have Joan Krupa running. Have you heard her television ads where she says she will work to solve the problems of Illinois by doing what she has done for the Heartland Clinic? Yes, lets give more services away for free (which is what the Heartland Clinic does) on the backs of hard working responsible Americans.

    Why is it laudable that she has grown a clinic from 850 patients to 17,000? In her own words she says:

    ” During my six years as the CEO of Heartland we expanded from serving 849 people to nearly 17,000 . Still it is not enough.”

    Don’t we want the number of Americans without health care insurance to go down? Don’t we want less people in need of free health care? Don’t we want people working in jobs that provide a living wage? Who do you think is paying for those services? Yes, you and me -the taxpayer and the generosity of volunteers. I’m all for volunteerism, but I am more for people being able to care for themselves. She sounds like a democrat to me.

    So there you have it folks- we do not have the most qualified candidates, but Aaron was in the right place at the right time with leadership asleep at the wheel. Are they in it for the greater good? We will see.

  25. It is my contention that ED of nonprofit corp or not for profit corps are not the same as owners of a business – who have some risk in their investment. What risk does non profit directors have in the infrastructure or equipment or intellecutual property and processes?

    The citation that I have brough forth was an attempt to make it clear that the owners of business have the risk of their capital assets and by their efforts have a clear distinction made between corporation managers who are concerned with profit and not payroll. To that end I have not made the point adequately clear. D Koehler was a program manager and an executive director of the Peoria area labor and management group. (PALM) Not your Mom and Pop grocery store to be sure. If there was a payroll to be met then he had no risk in not meeting it. He did not own PALM he was on their payroll. To say D Koehler is equal to the person who buys a plot of land and erects a store for a business and employs workers in their business suffers the flucuations of the business cycle and battles rising prices on every input he or she use is folly.

  26. So now it is the Republican Party leadership that is to be blamed for allowing someone as young as Aaron to beat out two other candidates who are in the age range cited. Where were the voters in all this did they drink some kind of Young Republican is better than older Republican Kool Aid. Did Aaron not out work every candidate he has faced?

    Who is the “They” in the above comment that were caught off guard? The Republican Party leadership is a fairly big tent of people. Within that tent are many factions The “Ray Lahood” faction ,the “Bob Michel faction”, the Alan Keyes faction, the anybody who can beat Rod B. faction , the Anti Jack Ryan faction” It is difficult to pin Aaron’s rise to asleep at the wheel leaders from local or statewide positions.

  27. PC, you still have no idea what you are talking about. Koehler actually owns his own baking company. So he knows exactly what it is like to own a mom and pop operation.

    And if you don’t think someone who manages a non profit doesn’t know what it means to budget in order to meet the changing economic conditions and having to be careful and creative with limited resources than you know nothing of business.

    I would probably have not voted for Koehler if I lived in his district, but at least do your fact checking before acting like an expert.

  28. Peoria Bread Company Est spring 2006
    D Koehler first elected to office in 1982 for county board thru 1988, 1989 1997 elected Peo city council, 21 Mar 2006 won primary for state senator.
    I will draw attention to my assertion from an earlier post “All have not met a payroll PRIOR to elective office.”

    Also “What risk does non profit directors have in the infrastructure or equipment or intellecutual property and processes?” Is the owner of a business at more risk or less than the person who runs the business? The caveat being the day to day manager has no stake in the business in capital or profit sharing, aside from the jobs pay check.

  29. Unless you count the pictures on Diane V’s blog (as the work of the black helicopter crew)there are a number of Pictures with D Koehler and Mr Sandberg.

    Just to be clear. “I also didn’t endorse Koehler for his Senate seat and didn’t get nor as of this date have any picture(s) taken with Barack or David, individually or together——other than City Council photographs with Koehler when we were both on the City Council.

  30. Let me correct….

    The “Leviathan” in Peoria. Leave it to Peoria to swing one way…while the state swings the other.

    Precinct Man – I do not see where this is a case of “young” or “old” Republican. It is a case of Aaron Schock playing the [designated] role of quintessential Republican.

    I repeat!

    The Republican Party may be building THEIR future around Schock, but they are going to do it at the expense of OUR future.

    Perhaps it is time…. we are very critical of our politicians – city, state, fed, etc. Our representatives, senators, are in office because we put them there…get it? How the hell Maloof, What’s His Name, and Randsburg ever got elected mayor, I will never understand. If Schock is elected [and brings us all to ruin], at least I can say, “I DIDN’T VOTE FOR THAT GOOBER!”

  31. The reference to an older candidate was made by George in an earlier post that referenced “Lahood amd Mary Alice” spoken words, and by inference was criticizing the younger candidate.
    Those that are part of the nominating universe are the ones who place the candidate on the ballot. Defeat them in the primary and you do not have to worry about them for another election cycle. Voter them on to the ballot and then it is the general public voting universe whom must decide.
    Those who think Aaron Schock is the equivilent to the Dread Pirate Roberts have a couple of choices, 1. pick a republican ballot at primarmy election day and vote him out. Don’t like that option – 2. Get a candidate from the start of the election cycle who is truly interested in the office, who has pulled their part of the wagon load over time and has established a record in the public view. 3. Both options require individual involvement at the precinct level of either party. Knocking on doors, get signatures on a petition, participate in party activities ie fund raisers and fish frys etc.
    After you have availed youself of these possibilities then you might be more informed of the actual processes that go on from cycle to cycle.

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