10 thoughts on “Statistic of the Day”

  1. Even if you wanted all that raw sewage in your house, I personally don’t know who has the time to watch that much TV.

  2. This comment has nothing to do with statistics but as I watch tonights City Council meeting I really wish Councilmember VanAuken would get her teeth scrubbed, have her fake nails removed and the stop with the heavy eyeliner for the “raccoon” eyes.

    She is such a bully and her appearance says it all. Peoria Anti-pundit you nailed it with the broom comment!

  3. George — You can knock Van Auken around for her politics or what you see as bullying all you want, but I’d prefer we not get into personal attacks, especially if you’re not going to divulge your true identity. We can judge your politics from your comments, but we don’t know how good your teeth or nails are. πŸ˜›

  4. My TV is on longer than that most days. I don’t watch it that much, but when you live in an apartment it kind of cancels out the noises of your neighbors. If it isn’t on you hear every footstep and murmer of people talking, oh and the sound of their TVs too.

  5. I can’t stand having the TV on as background noise. I think it has something to do with the way I was brought up. Whenever I wasn’t watching the TV, my parents insisted that it be turned off. Sometimes, even if I was watching they still insisted that it be turned off and that I go outside and play! πŸ™‚

  6. “I can’t stand having the TV on as background noise. I think it has something to do with the way I was brought up.”

    I couldn’t until I worked in a newsroom; after that, dead silence was far more distracting than TV noise and generalized chaos.

    (I’ve since broken the habit, tho.)

  7. Come on people! I know at least one of you is a sports fan (Cardinals specifically). You are all telling me that during any given sports season you don’t have your tv on for at least 8 hours. 11 inning games. Double overtime in hockey or soccer or basketball. March Madness.

    I am a football widow. Saturdays the tv goes on at 9 am and doesn’t go off until, well, after 9pm, for sure. Sunday, it’s relatively the same for NFL coverage, for which we have DirecTV’s golden ticket package or whatever it’s called. Nothing but NCAA football and ESPN. Football season alone would put my tv average well into the 8 hour range, even if I cut down in the off seasons.

  8. I’m not a sports fan but I am a news junkie. My tv is never off 24/7. I do turn the sound off when I go to bed but not the picture. I use it for security. If it is going anyone going by knows someone is in my house and possibly up and awake. Also, I multi-task all day long with manythings and still listen to the news and weather and various other programming. Its just the way I live and I like it that way.

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